University of Leeds - Research Internships

Location: Leeds, United Kingdom
Type of Internship:
Paid or Unpaid: 
Undergraduate, Graduate

Program Overview

Founded in 1904, The University of Leeds is one of the UK's leading universities and has a long history of welcoming students from around the globe. Leeds Research Internships offers you the opportunity to take part in innovative research at the University of Leeds and immerse yourself in British culture as part of an exciting internship experience. Experience the vibrant, student-friendly city of Leeds and the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of the area.

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Summer

Dates & Duration: The internships vary in length depending on the particular project. Several research projects are available exclusively to UofA students, while other projects are being offered through the University of Leeds Laidlaw Research Programme.

Previous projects have included: 

Health/Medicine - Repurposing Alzheimer’s disease drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular disease (12 weeks)

Engineering/CompSci/Civil Eng - Use of computer vision and machine learning for automatic identification of cracks in masonry and concrete structures from photos (12 weeks)

Sustainable Business/Economy - AI-Driven Circular Economy Transformation: A More-Than-Human Exploration through Generative AI Interviews - 6 Weeks

Education Science/Sustainability/Math Sciences - Embedding Sustainability in the Mathematics Curriculum - 6 Weeks

Education Science/Chemistry - Curriculum decolonisation and improving sustainability in undergraduate chemistry teaching laboratories - 6 Weeks

Sustainability/Environment - Using techniques from economics, psychology, and neuroscience to identify “low-hanging fruit” for sustainability - Timeline negotiable with Student

Eligibility Requirements

See Eligibility.

Application Deadlines + Instructions 

Deadlines: TBA (Usually February)

Instructions: Apply on HORIZONS

Fees + Costs

  • Education Abroad Program Fee: $250
  • Research interns will be able to stay in University of Leeds accommodations. Pricing depends on dorm (£150 + per week).

The 6 week Laidlaw Programme projects may provide a small stipend, otherwise research positions are unpaid. 

Students are encouraged to apply for funding even if they do not have a confirmed internship to avoid missing important deadlines.  

General fees and costs

Program Information + Contact

For all questions, email or connect with the International Outbound Internships Coordinator through in-person or virtual advising

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards