Shandong University - Exchange

City: Jinan Country: China

Shandong University Website

Successful applications for exchange to this school happening in the 2025/26 school year will automatically be given a $1,000 award (no applications required)


What Shandong has to offer:

  • One of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious universities in China
  • An abundance of scientific research facilities, a strong teaching staff, and favorable studying environment
  • One of the largest ranges of academic disciplines in China; including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science, management and arts
  • A vibrant international student culture - with over 1,500 international yearly visiting students
  • Located at the perfect starting point for exploring the many historical and commercial sites of Shandong province; including the dynamic city of Qingdao and Mount Tai, a center of Taoist worship for over 3,000 years
  • Situated in one of the most auspicious areas in Chinese culture - it is the birthplace of the great thinker, Confucius!

Students who are Canadian citizens applying for this program are encouraged to apply for funding through the Canada Learning Initiative in China (CLIC) program.

Students applying for this exchange who are not Canadian citizens have other funding options open to them.

Why don't you combine your participation in this exchange with participation in an internship as well? We could send you on a TusStar Internship or an IWE internship in Hong Kong before or after your exchange. If you are interested in going out on two programs send an email to asking for more details.

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Fall, Winter, Full Year

Term Dates:

Fall term equivalent: September - January

Winter term equivalent: February - July

Eligibility Requirements

Open to: All Faculties

Level: Undergraduate, Graduate

See Eligibility.

Course Information

Language of Instruction: Chinese, English

Students wishing to take courses taught in Chinese will need at least a level of HSK 4 in Chinese language skills.

Field of Study: All but Medicine and Dentistry

Shandong University Course Information

Shandong University Credit Information


Shandong University Accommodation

Program Contact

University of Alberta International, Education Abroad

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards