Gyeongin National University of Education - Internship


Location: Incheon, South Korea
Type of Internship: Non-Credit Field Placement
Paid or Unpaid: Unpaid
Level: Undergraduate
Faculties: Education

Gyeongin National University of Education

Program Overview

Education pre-service teachers have an exciting opportunity to spend approximately 8 weeks in schools in the Republic of South Korea, organized by Gyeongin National University of Education (GINUE).

  • GINUE is a national institution that provides training for future public elementary school teachers in South Korea.
  • Participants will spend time at elementary and possibly secondary levels (junior high) assisting mentor teachers with teaching and extra-curricular activities.

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Spring/Summer (usually early May to the end of June)

Duration: 8 weeks 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Students must have completed their IFX placement prior to participating in the program.

See Eligibility.

Application Deadlines + Instructions

Deadline: TBA (Usually January/February)

Instructions: Apply on Horizons

Fees + Costs

Nomination Fee: $250 CAD


  • Accommodation
  • Meals at the school

Students are encouraged to apply for funding even if they do not have a confirmed internship to avoid missing important deadlines.   

General fees and costs  

Program Information + Contact

For all questions, email or connect with the International Outbound Internships Coordinator through in-person or virtual advising.

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards