CME Internship Program

Locations: Nancy, France; Hokkaido, Japan; Germany
Type of Internship: Research
Paid or Unpaid: Unpaid (scholarships and funding available)
Level: Undergraduate, Recent Graduates
Faculties: Engineering (Co-op or Traditional)

Program Overview

  • Research placements for University of Alberta Engineering undergraduate students - to train in and work on a research project in a university laboratory
  • If the professor at the host university is collaborating with an industry partner, the student may be placed with the company and not in the university laboratory
  • Each placement is between 4 - 8 months long. Students planning a 4-month work term should consider Hokkaido University. 

Internships are offered at the following locations:

  • DLR in Various Cities, Germany (up to 8 months)
  • Hokkaido University in Hokkaido, Japan (4-8 months)
  • Mines Nancy, in Nancy, France (5-8 months) - Internships with Mines Nancy are eligible for a 2000 scholarship 

Note: Depending on a student's strengths, academic scheduling, and areas of interest, they may be nominated to a location different from their indicated preference. 

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Winter, Fall, Summer 
Duration: Duration: 4-8 months

Eligibility Requirements

A GPA of 3.0 or higher is recommended for this internship. 
See Eligibility.

Application Deadlines + Instructions

Deadlines: Students are recommended to apply at least 6 months prior to their intended start date. 


Step 1: Apply on Horizons and ensure that you include the following in your letter of intent or resume:

  • Intended start date/availability
  • Duration of your work term(s)
  • Preferred host organization/institution  

Fees + Costs

  • $250 nomination fee if accepted.
  • Most opportunities will provide the student with a small monthly stipend for compensation (typically between $500-$800 CAD).
  • Students are eligible to apply for student accommodation in France and Japan. Students going to Germany with DLR will secure their own accommodation.

Students are encouraged to apply for funding even if they do not have a confirmed internship to avoid missing important deadlines.  

General fees and costs

Program Information + Contact

For all questions, email or connect with the International Outbound Internships Coordinator through in-person or virtual advising

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards