Co-op Regulations - Terms & Conditions

The Engineering Co-op Program (the Program) requires that students follow certain recruitment processes and comply with employment regulations. 

  • The Program may withdraw its recruiting services from students who, without just cause, violate the established regulations. In these cases, students would be expected to find their own employment. 
  • Co-op WKEXP Courses are not optional. Students may not “drop” Co-op and will be required to apply to change programs per the academic calendar if they no longer want to continue in their program.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves professionally regarding all aspects of their job search and employment term. Unprofessional behaviours or actions during any point of the recruitment or work term may result in the student being required to withdraw from the Co-op Program and/or the Faculty.
  • Decisions on such matters are at the discretion of the Associate Dean 
  • Resumes must meet the content, format, and professional-quality criteria discussed in ENGG 299. Students must apply with current documents, which requires updating their resume and transcripts in campusBRIDGE after every work term.
  • Critical dates in any recruitment period are listed on the Co-op Program website. Students are required to observe all deadlines.
  • Students who have offers of rehire from a current or previous employer must accept or reject these offers prior to competing for jobs listed through the Co-op Office.
  • All applications to jobs posted in campusBRIDGE must follow the process outlined in ENGG 299 and use campusBRIDGE. Some employers may ask students to submit their application directly to a company contact or website as well.
  • Except in those instances where students have already accepted offers, students must select an interview time and attend all interviews offered to them as a result of applying on postings through campusBRIDGE. Failure to schedule or attend interviews may result in students being suspended from campusBRIDGE. Students are expected to miss classes or labs for interviews. 
  • The Co-op Office reserves the right to establish rules and regulations for students regarding interviews and job offers. This may include restrictions on the number of jobs that can be rejected, and/or restrictions on whether a student may decline to be ranked on a job after an interview. These policies are available from the Co-op Office & website. Students are always required to consult the Co-op Office to clarify their understanding.
  • Personal plans that may affect a student's availability and job performance (i.e., additional part-time work, vacations, courses, etc.), must be discussed with an employer in the interview. Barring required-to-withdraw-academic standing, serious life events, or harassment and discrimination faced at work, students are expected to fulfill the employment commitment made when accepting an offer.
  • Any student who is experiencing problems on their work term or who has special circumstances that arise that affect their ability to complete the work term must contact a Co-op staff member immediately for guidance and support. We are here to help.
  • Students must contact the Co-op Office prior to leaving a job before the contracted end date for any reason.
  • At the start of each work term, all students must verify the accuracy of their work term record in campusBRIDGE to facilitate work term evaluations. This information must be submitted no later than 10 days following the student's start date.
  • A student must register in the appropriate WKEXP course once a job has been secured. Registration assistance will be provided if it is past the Add date. 
  • Co-op students are normally expected to complete twenty months of work experience to qualify for graduation from the Co-op Program. This implies that students are employed for all five work terms. A student who is not employed at the beginning of a work term is expected to continue to actively pursue employment until the date after which students can not fulfill the minimum number of required hours. Such students should be in contact with a co-op staff member regularly.
  • Economic conditions may make it impossible for some students to obtain suitable employment during any four-month work term. Each of these cases is reviewed and when circumstances warrant, steps are taken to mitigate this impact on the student's program.
  • Co-op students are required to submit a work term report on an assigned topic each work term. A report that scores unsatisfactory will result in a grade of Fail (NC) for that work term. 

General Terms And Conditions:

  • I understand the preceding conditions must be met before I can receive a grade of Credit (CR) for the co-op term.
  • I understand that unprofessional behavior may result in one or both of the following at the discretion of the Associate Dean:

1) being required to withdraw from the Co-op Program 

2) being required to withdraw from the Faculty for one year. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Termination for just cause due to poor performance and receiving a grade of Unsatisfactory (No Credit) *Note, layoffs due to economic circumstances are different from performance-related termination. In the case of the former, the Co-op Office will work with affected students to ensure that their program is minimally disrupted.
  • Contravention of the Student Code of Conduct
  • Unprofessionalism (for example, backing out of an employment contract or resigning from a work term without just cause)
  • I understand that the Co-op Program will communicate with me via my email and messages in campusBRIDGE, and that I am responsible for checking both on a regular basis and taking any necessary actions in a timely manner.
  • I understand that many co-op employers require medical examinations, which may include drug and alcohol testing, as a precondition for employment opportunities pursued through the Co-op Program. I also understand that co-op staff members are under no obligation and have no responsibility to inform students in advance of each and every instance where such tests may be required.
  • I authorize the Co-op Program to release my resume and transcript to my co-op employer and/or prospective co-op employers.
  • I give permission to the staff of the Program to: 1) release my transcripts to employers; 2) request evaluation of my work term performance from employers; 3) provide prospective employers with my previous work term employer evaluations.
  • I understand that I must agree to these terms and conditions as a student of the Co-op program.

The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the Universities Act and Section 33 ( c ) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to administer the work term component of the Engineering Co-op Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, and for academic, administrative, financial, funding, planning, and statistical purposes. Certain personal information may be made available to employers. For further information, contact the Associate Dean.

Last Updated: August 20, 2024