Co-op Student Expectations
The degree granted to graduating co-op students is designated "Cooperative Program". Students enrolled in the Engineering Co-op Program must fulfill the expectations and requirements listed below to complete the program and receive the Cooperative Program designation on their degree.
All Engineering Co-op Students are expected to:
- Complete academic courses and maintain their academic standing as outlined in the Academic Regulations of the Faculty of Engineering.
- Maintain current contact and recruitment information in campusBRIDGE:
- Accept the Co-op Student Agreement.
- Prepare and upload an updated resume prior to the start of each recruitment cycle
- Obtain and upload current transcripts prior to the start of each recruitment cycle.
- Update contact information as required.
- Actively participate in the co-op recruitment process in addition to conducting a personal job search:
- The ultimate responsibility for obtaining suitable employment for each work term rests with the student.
- The Co-op Office provides significant assistance in identifying appropriate employment opportunities and counseling students in their job search.
- Students who find secure employment through their own search must notify the Co-op Office immediately to ensure it qualifies for the program.
- Complete five 4-month work terms with satisfactory performance and term paper evaluations:
- Complete an interim onsite evaluation with your supervisor and a Program Advisor or Employer Relationship Manager from the Co-op Office
- Submit a work term report on a topic assigned by the Co-op Office.
- Ensure that your supervisor completes and submits a final work term evaluation.
- Conduct themselves with a high level of professionalism at all times. Engineering Co-op students are obligated to uphold the:
Last Update: May 26, 2022