What is Management?
Management includes the planning, organizing and directing of various resources to successfully reach one's goals. In taking management, you'll learn how to anticipate, adapt and influence — skills that all successful business leaders must possess.
Management at Augustana
When you study management at Augustana, you'll have access to professors who are experts in strategic planning and organizational structure. We'll provide a foundation in business management, finance, accounting and marketing. You'll also develop critical thinking, analytical and communication skills, and will get the chance to network and build your social skills.
Program Information
Management is available as a:
- Major in the Bachelor of Management degree program
- Streams: Business Economics
- Minor in the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degree programs
Academic Innovations
All programs at Augustana include a wide-ranging liberal arts and sciences core, taught within our unique “3-11” calendar.
The world needs more leaders. An undergraduate degree in Management from Augustana will open you to careers in:
- Business Owner
- Management Consultant
- Project Manager
- Research Analyst
- and many more!
Management AlumnUS

Financial Director
Only a week after graduating from Augustana with a bachelor of management in business economics, Mackenze started as an analyst in the Corporate Finance division of Raintree Financial Solutions.
Course Highlights
Examines aspects of business/commercial law as it relates to business. Principles of law and its application to typical business situations are discussed.
Exploration of various patterns of internal organization in industries, focusing on the relations among the structure, conduct, and performance of the industries.
Study of individuals and groups in an organizational setting. The course will help the student develop an understanding of the organizational behaviour concepts and the interaction between individual determinants of behaviour and group dynamics.
A three week study trip to China, including travel to educational institutions in Zhuhai, the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone and other locations depending on the year. Through lectures, tours and research taking place in China, this course explores the effects of economic and institutional reforms as well as those of globalization, with links to China's history and to its culture.
Examination of the cultural and business aspects of the sport of hockey, historically and in the present. The course explores such topics as fan identities, cultural memory and tradition, race and ethnicity, gender and youth culture, labour relations and free agency, salary caps and revenue sharing, minor hockey, audiences and the mass media, fighting and violence, league expansion and franchise relocations, and arena construction.
Related Information

Bill Foster, PhD
Teaching areas: Management, Organizational Behaviour, Strategy and Marketing. Research areas: Strategic Management, Sport Management, Sport Fans.
Visit their website
Varghese Manaloor, PhD
“Courses I have taught include applied microeconomics, econometrics, statistics for business and economics, environmental economics, and ethics in business and economics.”
Visit their website