Insight Grant (IG)

Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities. Funding is available to both emerging scholars and established scholars for research initiatives of two to five years.

Support for Researchers

Research Partner Network provides personalized support and expert guidance on how to apply for this grant and how to manage the funds should you be successful.

If you're interested in applying for this grant, please reach out to the designated Research Partner: 
Dr. Craig Taylor


Intended Recipients

Researchers undertaking long-term research initiatives within the social sciences and humanities


  • Stream A: $7,000 - $100,000
  • Stream B: $100,001 - $400,000


2 - 5 years

Additional Information

SSHRC IG website

Upcoming Competition Deadlines

  • Internal Peer Review Submission Deadline
    • Matching runs June 18 to August 15, 2024
  • RAS Internal Review Deadline
    • September 19, 2024
  • Final Version Submission Deadline
    • By 10 am on the business day prior to the SSHRC application submission deadline
  • SSHRC Deadline
    • October 1, 2024 at 6:00 pm MST


Peer Review Services

UofA researchers applying as Principal Investigators to the Insight Grant competition can have their proposals reviewed by the College of Social Sciences and Humanities' Panel of SSHRC Peer Reviewers.