Enrolment Registry
New for 2025, the University of Alberta will pilot a voluntary Enrolment Registry for researchers submitting grant applications for CIHR Project Grants, NSERC Discovery Grants, or SSHRC Insight Grants.
What is an Enrolment Registry?
Researchers will enrol via a straightforward online form to confirm they plan to apply for the fall 2025 competition. In doing so, the researchers will commit to developmental timelines for their grant application that includes internal peer review and will become eligible for pre- and post-award incentives.
Why Enrol?
Enrolling will ensure that grant applications are developed on a timeline that will facilitate a detailed internal review process. The greatest incentive is a stronger application with a greater chance of being funded after agency review.
Additionally, applicants who enrol will be eligible to eligible to access incentives and resources including:
- Professional grant editing and development: Funds for external editing of selected grant proposals will be arranged to enhance competitiveness and funding success rates in identified competitions.
- Professional figure development: Ad hoc figure editing services will be available where warranted.
- External review: Certain grants may require expertise beyond internal resources, and external scientific review will be arranged and funded where necessary.
- Bridge funding: In the event that an applicant and grant that enrolled in the registry and development process is not successful in the national competition, they will be eligible to compete for bridge funds (i.e. 1 year of internal operating grant funding) via SRIF and other sources.
Enrolment will begin in the coming weeks, with the expectation that those that enrol will adhere to timelines for advanced preparation of their draft applications along timelines that will allow for meaningful, formative peer review.
Enrolment will be administered by College Offices of Research. CNAS will administer the enrolment registry for NSERC Discovery Grants, CHS for CIHR Project Grants, and CSSH for SSHRC Insight Grants. Any researchers applying to these competitions, whether their home faculty resides within that college or not, can participate in the enrolment registry.
Contact Information for the Enrolment Registry
Additional information will be provided here in the coming weeks. Please reach out to the corresponding college with any questions.
CIHR Project Grants
Nanc Price
Research Manager, Office of Research, College of Health Sciences
Lawrence Richer
Associate Dean Health Research, College of Health Sciences
NSERC Discovery Grants
Geotz Dapp
Director, Office of Research, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Jonathan (Jon) Veinot
Associate Dean STEM Research, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
SSHRC Insight Grants
Oliver Rossier
Director, Office of Research, College of Social Sciences + Humanities
Temitope Oriola
Associate Dean Research, College of Social Sciences + Humanities