The Transformation of Social Experiences into Adaptive Memories


The Transformation of Social Experiences into Adaptive Memories


Dr. Vishnu (Deepu) Murty

Temple University



Friday, February 2, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM MST


P226, Biological Sciences Building



Our social worlds are complex, necessitating the ability to prioritize events that will help us maintain adaptive decisions in social contexts. But how do we draw on prior experiences to help us navigate social dynamics. While a prior literature in social psychology has emphasized implicit learning systems that help guide these types of behaviors (i.e., impression formation, value-based learning), rodent and human work alike has highlighted a critical role for the hippocampus in adaptive social behaviors. Here, I will present a series of behavioral and neuroimaging studies capturing the role of the hippocampus and associated episodic memories in guiding social decision-making, and will highlight a few studies in non-social contexts to better understand the underlying mechanisms.