Previous Award Winners

2022-2023 CPA Certificate Of Academic Excellence

Honours Thesis

  • Alannah Nash (P.St Jacques) "The Role of Visual Perspective in Autobiographical Memory Consistency"
  • Mae Pacificar (D.Hayward) "Where should I...? The role of the built environment on space preferences for studying, socializing, and relaxing"
  • Julia Self (L.Guilette) "Sex-differences in nest building are reflected in memory for a physical cognition task"

Masters Thesis

  • Jeremy Thomas (J.Caplan) "Accounting for order and mental imagery within mathematical models of association memory"

Doctoral Thesis

  • Felicitas Kluger (J.Caplan) "Memory enhancement via mnemonic scaffolds"
  • Daniel Robles (K.Mathewson) "EEG in the wild: Using real-world tasks to measure changes in EEG rhythms related to human attention"
  • Brenna Zatto (W.Hoglund)

2023 WISEST Summer Research Program students

  • Maryam Abdelhamed (L. Guillette) "Sex-difference in long-term memory in zebra finches"
  • Cinta Shaji (C.Sturdy) “Visual lateralization in chickadees”

2023 Undergraduate Award Holders

Congratulations to our undergraduate student award winners!

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship

  • Nakul Wewhare (L. Guillette), “There’s no place like home - is nest morphology unique to the bird who built it?”
  • Priya Binwal (L. Guillette), “Imitation in nest-building birds”


  • Nikhil Kumar (C. Sturdy), “D Conspecific-driven immediate early gene expression”
  • Ishrath Khan (W. Hoglund) “Emerging Executive Functions and Language Skills in Diverse Preschool Children”
  • Anjelo Quito (D. Hayward) “Do eye trust you? Investigating the impact of trust on attention”
  • Alex Muth (P. Hurd) “Habenular activation during behvioural inhibition”
  • Shania Fisher (P. Hurd)
  • Anna Cuff (P. St. Jacques) “Neural Mechanisms Supporting Perspective Shifts and Episodic Counterfactual Simulation”

URI Undergraduate Researcher Stipend

  • Stefan Stanescu (L. Guillette), “Imitation in nest-building birds”
  • Mae Pacificar (C. Chapman [Faculty KSR], D. Hayward) “What catches your eyes? The influence of physical spaces on preferences, attention, and action”

SSHRC Undergraduate Student Research Award

  • Oluchi Nwoke (K. Noels) “The effect of birth order and sibling relationships on bilingualism”

Chinese Government

  • Xiaoyan (K. Noels) “Willingness to communication and adaptation to Hong Kong”

2022 WISEST Summer Research Program students

  • Tooba Mahmood (D. Hayward) “Investigating uses for wearable eye trackers during social interactions"
  • Cayla Polege (C. Sturdy) "Black-capped chickadee responses to natural and altered song"
  • Deborah Yun (L. Guillette) "Straws, sticks and bricks: Does past nest-building experience effect construction using new materials"
  • Anna Nevoit (L. Guillette) "You're not like all the other birds: Individuality in Nest Architecture"

2022 Undergraduate Award Holders

Congratulations to our undergraduate student award winners!

Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentship

  • Alleya Bourne (C. Dickson) “Sleep-wake circuitry analysis under chloral hydrate anesthesia”
  • Evan Simpson (C. Dickson) “Do cannabinoids promote or degrade sleep-related brain rhythms?”
  • Sherry Gu (F. Colbourne), “Motor-evoked potentials after hemorrhagic stroke in rats”

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship

  • Karen Yeung (L. Guillette), “ManyBirds Study 1: Neophobia in birds”


  • Michelle Gao (C. Sturdy), “Species-based call preferences in black-capped chickadees”
  • Mae Pacificar (D. Hayward), “Home Sweet Home: The role of physical spaces on attention and action”
  • Jerry Wu (Y. Zheng), “Daily acculturation processes among Canadian racial/ethnic minority university students”

URI Undergraduate Researcher Stipend

  • Ashley Abrahart (F. Colbourne), “Effects of the estrous cycle in female rats on bleed size in the collagenase model or Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH)
  • Arianna Cook (D. Hayward), “An eye for an egg: investigating how an object’s social value impacts visual attention
  • Noam Sander (F. Colbourne), “Elevating ketones as a novel treatment for intracerebral hemorrhage
  • Julia Self (L. Guillette), “Sex differences in long-term memory for a learned task in zebra finches