The best way to get to know our department is through our published research! Here is a list of our department's publications, with the latest ones at the top.
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AFFIL (("department of psychology" OR "psychology department") Pre/6 "University of Alberta") AND PUBYEAR > 2006
Yasuda Y., Goegan L.D. (2025). The relation between mindset, social comparison, and academic engagement. Social Psychology of Education.
Bakul F., Heanoy E.Z., Antu A.D., Khandakar F., Ahmed S. (2025). Assessing the relationship between climate change anxiety, ecological coping, and pro-environmental behavior: Evidence from Gen Z Bangladeshis. Acta Psychologica.
Ferguson T.D., Fyshe A., White A. (2025). Electrophysiological signatures of the effect of context on exploration: Greater attentional and learning signals when exploration is costly. Brain Research.
Smeltz S.M.L., Deimeke M.J., Sahu P.K., Montenegro C., Stenstrom K.H., Starenchak I., Rennie V., Ebrahim I.M., Jones J.A., Sturdy C.B. (2025). Individual vocal identity may be obscured following colony assembly in captive black-capped chickadees. Behavioural Processes.
Ryken A.M., Wade-Woolley L., Deacon S.H. (2025). Punctuation: a missing link between awareness of prosody and reading comprehension. Reading and Writing.
Liu P., Tan J.X.Y. (2025). Late positive potentials elicited by negative self-referential processing predict increases in social anxiety, but not depressive, symptoms from age 11 to age 12. Development and Psychopathology.
Tan J.X.Y., Hamm J.M., Liu P. (2025). Age and anxiety symptoms jointly moderated the curvilinear changes in trial-level ERN following repeated errors on a Go/No-Go task during early adolescence. Development and Psychopathology.
Saluja P., Bohlouli B., Hoglund W., Amin M. (2025). Perceived racial discrimination, resilience, and oral health behaviours of adolescents with immigrant backgrounds. PLoS ONE.
Xu Y., McFall G.P., Ryden L., Skoog J., Chang E., Cysique L.A., Harris K., Kedwell S., Lim M.L., Anstey K.J., Anderson C.S., Dixon R.A., Skoog I., Tully P.J., Peters R. (2025). Cumulative blood pressure load and cognitive decline in older adults: An observational analysis of two large cohorts. Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior.
Kono S., Ito E., Gui J. (2025). Leisure’s Relationships with Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Approach. Leisure Sciences.
Prostebby M., Saini J., Biancardi V., Dickson C.T., Pagliardini S. (2025). Activation of the periaqueductal gray controls respiratory output through a distributed brain network. Frontiers in Physiology.
Xue Q., Noels K. (2025). Assessing accent anxiety: A measure of foreign English speakers' concerns about their accents. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Lin W.Z., Yu D., Xiong L.Y., Zebarth J., Wang R., Fischer C.E., Rajji T.K., Tang-Wai D.F., Tartaglia C., Saposnik G., Swartz R., Grimes D.A., Lang A., Hegele R., Farhan S., Ramirez J., Symons S., Goubran M., Binns M., Lou W., Dixon R.A., Orange J.B., Roberts A., Troyer A.K., Zetterberg H., Herrmann N., Rabin J.S., MacIntosh B.J., Masellis M., Lanctot K.L., Black S., Swardfager W., Swartz R., Masellis M., Munoz D., Roberts A., Binns M., McIlroy B., Black S., Finger E., Montero-Odasso M., Arnott S., Hatch W., Hudson C., Tartaglia C., Lang A., Freedman M., Zinman L., Bartha R., Symons S., Hegele R., McLaughlin P. (2025). Homocysteine, neurodegenerative biomarkers, and APOE ε4 in neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Wang M., Zheng H., Song L., Wang M., Zhou Y., Liu Z. (2025). Relational Victimization, Coping Styles and Depressive Symptoms: A Test of Bidirectional Associations in Adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
Chen Y., Mou W. (2025). Disrupted Orientation After Path Integration by Absence of Anticipated Prevalent Spatial Views. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition.
Chertkow H., Phillips N., Rockwood K., Anderson N., Andrew M.K., Bartha R., Beaudoin C., Belanger N., Bellec P., Belleville S., Bergman H., Best S., Bethell J., Bherer L., Black S., Borrie M., Camicioli R., Carrier J., Cashman N., Chan S., Crowshoe L., Cuello C., Cynader M., Dang-Vu T., Das S., Dixon R.A., Ducharme S., Einstein G., Evans A.C., Fahnestock M., Feldman H., Ferland G., Finger E., Fisk J.D., Fogarty J., Fon E., Gan-Or Z., Gauthier S., Greenwood C., Henri-Bellemare C., Herrmann N., Hogan D.B., Hsiung R., Itzhak I., Jacklin K., Lanctot K., Lim A., MacKenzie I., Masellis M., Maxwell C., McAiney C., McGilton K., McLaurin J., Mihailidis A., Mohades Z., Montero-Odasso M., Morgan D., Naglie G., Nygaard H., O'Connell M., Petersen R., Pilon R., Rajah M.N., Rapoport M., Roach P., Robillard J.M., Rogaeva E., Rosa-Neto P., Rylett J., Sadavoy J., St George-Hyslop P., Seitz D., Smith E., Stefanovic B., Vedel I., Walker J.D., Wellington C., Whitehead V., Wittich W. (2024). Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.
Westbury C., King D. (2024). A Constant Error, Revisited: A New Explanation of the Halo Effect. Cognitive Science.
Sander N.H., Soni S., Wilkinson C.M., Khiabani E., Dyck J.R.B., Colbourne F. (2024). Exogenous ketone therapy does not protect brain tissue after moderate-sized intracerebral hemorrhage despite signs of early neurological benefit. PLoS ONE.
Camacho-Alpizar A., Hewitt J., Poole C., Eckersley T., Whittaker B.A., Self J.L., Guillette L.M. (2024). The repeatability of behavioural laterality during nest building in zebra finches. Animal Cognition.
Chen Y.Y., Lambert K.J.M., Madan C.R., Singhal A. (2024). Motor-related oscillations reveal the involvement of sensorimotor processes during recognition memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
Kung T.F.C., Kalisvaart A.C.J., Suerte A.C.C., Jickling G.C., van Landeghem F.K.H., Colbourne F. (2024). No Benefit of 3% Hypertonic Saline Following Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurotoxicity Research.
Olukotun M., Olanlesi-Aliu A., Idi Y., Ladha T., Bailey P., King R., Salami B. (2024). Institutional and systemic barriers and facilitators affecting healthcare access for Black women in Alberta. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health.
St. Jacques P.L. (2024). Individuals who rarely adopt observer perspectives report richer scene-based autobiographical memories. Scientific Reports.
Kincaid K.M., Ma A.C., Rast D.E., Hogg M.A. (2024). That's my autocrat: Self-uncertainty elevates support for autocratic leadership during Canada's Freedom Convoy. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
Suerte A.C.C., Liddle L.J., Abrahart A., Khiabani E., Colbourne F. (2024). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Therapeutic Hypothermia and Pharmacological Cotherapies in Animal Models of Ischemic Stroke. Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management.
Caplan J.B., Guitard D. (2024). Stimulus duration and recognition memory: An attentional subsetting account. Journal of Memory and Language.
Calvo N., McFall G.P., Ramana S., Galper M., Fuller-Thomson E., Dixon R.A., Einstein G. (2024). Associated risk and resilience factors of Alzheimer's disease in women with early bilateral oophorectomy: Data from the UK Biobank. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.
Peng S., Dixon P. (2024). Text-Based and Memory-Based Metrics of Cognitive Coupling. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Johnson A.L., Hurd P.L., Hamilton T.J. (2024). Sex, drugs, and zebrafish: Acute exposure to anxiety-modulating compounds in a modified novel tank dive test. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.
Mason A., Sun Y., Simonsen N., Madan C.R., Spetch M.L., Ludvig E.A. (2024). Risky effort. Cognition.
Liu P., Tan J.X.Y. (2024). Late Positive Potential Elicited by Monetary Reward Feedback Predicts Changes of Disordered Eating From Age 11 to Age 12 in Community-Dwelling Girls. International Journal of Eating Disorders.
Wang M.-J., Yogeeswaran K., Nash K., Sivaram S. (2024). Morality and partisan social media engagement: a natural language examination of moral political messaging and engagement during the 2018 US midterm elections. Journal of Computational Social Science.
Dyson B.J. (2024). Post-loss speeding or post-win slowing? An empirical note on the interpretation of decision-making time as a function of previous outcome. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
Wu Y., Xu J., Shen Y., Wang Y., Zheng Y. (2024). Daily agreeableness and acculturation processes in ethnic/racial minority freshmen: The role of inter-ethnic contact and perceived discrimination. Journal of Personality.
Heanoy E.Z., Brown N.R. (2024). Impact of Natural Disasters on Mental Health: Evidence and Implications. Healthcare (Switzerland).
Leota J., Faulkner P., Mazidi S., Simpson D., Nash K. (2024). Neural rhythms of narcissism: Facets of narcissism are associated with different neural sources in resting-state EEG. European Journal of Neuroscience.
Mathewson K.E., Kuziek J.P., Scanlon J.E.M., Robles D. (2024). The moving wave: Applications of the mobile EEG approach to study human attention. Psychophysiology.
Eberle M.J., Thorkelsson A.B., Liddle L.J., Almekhlafi M., Colbourne F. (2024). Longer Periods of Hypothermia Provide Greater Protection Against Focal Ischemia: A Systematic Review of Animal Studies Manipulating Treatment Duration. Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management.
Tello-Ramos M.C., Harper L., Tortora-Brayda I., Guillette L.M., Capilla-Lasheras P., Harrison X.A., Young A.J., Healy S.D. (2024). Architectural traditions in the structures built by cooperative weaver birds. Science (New York, N.Y.).
Liu P., Tan J.X.Y. (2024). Reward positivity moderates the association between pubertal status and social anxiety symptoms in nine-to-12-year-old youths. International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Al-Smadi S., Padros A., Goss G.G., Dickson C.T. (2024). The translational inhibitor and amnestic agent emetine also suppresses ongoing hippocampal neural activity similarly to other blockers of protein synthesis. Hippocampus.
Lambert K.J.M., Singhal A., Leung A.W.S. (2024). The lateralized effects of Parkinson's Disease on motor imagery: Evidence from mental chronometry. Brain and Cognition.
Bailey K., Im-Bolter N. (2024). Lost in Translation: A Preliminary Examination of Phonological Processing, Language, and Reading in Childhood Epilepsy. Mind, Brain, and Education.
Pisanski A., Prostebby M., Dickson C.T., Pagliardini S. (2024). Mapping responses to focal injections of bicuculline in the lateral parafacial region identifies core regions for maximal generation of active expiration. eLife.
Caballero H.S., McFall G.P., Gee M., MacDonald S., Phillips N.A., Fogarty J., Montero-Odasso M., Camicioli R., Dixon R.A. (2024). Cognitive Speed in Neurodegenerative Disease: Comparing Mean Rate and Inconsistency Within and Across the Alzheimer's and Lewy Body Spectra in the COMPASS-ND Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
Montoya R.M., Kershaw C., Jurgens C.T. (2024). The inconsistency of p-curve: Testing its reliability using the power pose and HPA debates. PLoS ONE.
Lou N.M., Noels K.A. (2024). Striving to reach the “native speaker standard”: A growth belief may mitigate some deleterious effects of social comparison in migrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Meyer Z., Unger J.B., Zheng Y. (2024). Gene–environment transactions between peer cigarette use, parental supervision, and Chinese adolescent cigarette smoking initiation. Journal of Adolescence.
Shi L., Brown N.R., Reimer P.J.C. (2024). Exploring the metamnemonic and phenomenal differences between transitional and mundane events. Memory and Cognition.
Zheng H., Zhou Y., Fu L., Eli B., Han R., Liu Z. (2024). A Latent Transition Analysis of Aggression Victimization Patterns During the Transition from Primary to Middle School. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.