Pediatric and Congenital Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology


The Stollery Children's Hospital is one of the main referral site for congenital cardiac surgery throughout most of Western Canada and one of the main referral sites for pediatric and adult congenital non-invasive EP assessments, diagnostic and interventional, including high risk, electrophysiology studies, and cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) procedures. It is the only referral site for pediatric lead extraction. The program performs 80 to 100 EP procedures per year and 60 to 80 CIED procedures per year.

Clinical training experience

The fellow's clinical responsibilities will revolve around providing supervised care for all children and adult congenital patients cared for by the electrophysiology service. During the training period in EP, the fellow will:

  • participate in providing care for in- or out-patients, including consultations, daily rounds and follow-up
  • participate in the interpretation of ECGs, Holter recordings and ESTs
  • participation in non-invasive and invasive EP studies and CIED implants
  • contribute to the interpretation and reporting of EP studies and CIED implants Participate in other non-listed but relevant clinical and academic activities
  • attend the pediatric and adult congenital cardio-surgical conference for knowledge acquisition and participation in patient care and decision making

Research experience

All fellows are expected to participate in at least one to two research initiatives per year of training under the supervision of faculty. The fellows gain experience in generating a research proposal(s) with hypothesis driven objectives, documentation of knowledge gaps in the field, and use of appropriate methodology. The research outcomes are presented locally and should culminate in one or more abstract presentations at national and/or international scientific conferences and one or more peer-reviewed publication.

The pediatric and adult congenital clinical electrophysiology (EP) fellowship is a one-year program for physicians with completed training in pediatric cardiology. It is aimed at providing comprehensive fellowship training in advanced clinical and interventional electrophysiology.

Teaching experience

All fellows are expected to participate in formal and informal electrophysiology teaching sessions for the pediatric cardiology trainees and other pediatric cardiology subspecialty fellows. These sessions will include at least two presentations per year as part of the PACE West (Pediatric and Adult Congenital Electrophysiologists of Western Canada) electrophysiology teaching curriculum and approximately one session per month as part of the pediatric cardiology trainees academic half day.

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Contact us

Pediatric Cardiology Education
Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 - 87 Avenue, 3rd Floor
Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9

Phone: 780-248-5417

Fellowship Director
Carolina Escudero

Program Administrator
Allison Spry