Virtual Workshop: Using the beetle to understand why we age, and how we can increase longevity

In collaboration with FAFA, the "Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire et de formation en santé des francophones" (GRIF-SF) invites you to participate in this workshop on aging.

23 August 2022

Using the beetle to understand why we age, and how we can increase longevity

Friday, August 26, 2022, 10.30-11.30 am

In collaboration with FAFA, the "Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire et de formation en santé des francophones" (GRIF-SF) invites you to participate in this workshop on aging.

Our panel will be moderated by:

  • Professeure Hélène Lemieux - Biologie, Campus Saint-Jean
  • Heather Mast – Masters student, Campus Saint-Jean
Discussion Points:
One of the important elements in the aging process is mitochondria, our cellular energy production factory. In this research project, we used a beetle model developed in Serbia to understand the role of mitochondria in the aging process. This project allowed us to identify changes in the mitochondria that are associated with an increase in the lifespan of some beetles. Such data can then be used to better understand the critical elements that affect life expectancy in humans.