Webinar: Challenges in Preserving and Presenting Colonial French Heritage in India : The Case of Puducherry

Webinar on November 20, at noon, organised in the framework of the bilingual series Francophonies of Asia and Oceania , with Dr. Helle Jorgensen from Birmingham University

2 November 2020

Our guest speaker, Dr. Helle Jorgensen (University of Birmingham) will present a talk on Challenges in Preserving and Presenting Colonial French Heritage in India: The Case of Puducherry.

This event will take place online on Friday 20 November 2020 à 12.00 Mountain Time/ 14h Eastern Time.  The talk will be followed by a discussion of 15-20 minutes.

 You are invited to join by using nt: https://ualberta-ca.zoom.us/j/96572345391?pwd=YkVqc2xMMDY0MTJadFE4MmcwS3BYdz09#success