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The Fall 2024 Student Academic Conference will be held Thursday, December 5. The Winter 2025 Student Academic Conference will be part of the Augustana Showcase on Wednesday, April 16, 2025.
Conference etiquette and guidelines
Registration Information
Winter 2025: The deadline for initial registration is Monday, March 3, and final presentation titles are due by Friday, March 28.
Questions can be directed to augsas@ualberta.ca or through the Student Service Portal.

The conference will be held at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus in Camrose Alberta (Map of location), 90km southeast of Edmonton. We will be meeting in the Faith & Life Centre and in various rooms in the Augustana Forum (Detailed campus map).
Why you should present at SAC
- Presenting your research allows you to share your findings with other students, faculty and community members.
- Conference participation is an important part of your professional development and provides you with valuable feedback on your work.
- The Student Academic Conference (SAC) allows you to present what you are passionate about as well as help you deepen your understanding of your research.
- It's a great place to network with your peers and professionals in your field of interest.
- A presentation at the Student Academic Conference will look good on your resume or application for graduate school.
- Students who conduct independent study for credit may be nominated for the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award.
- Presenters can add information to the U of A's institutional repository Education Research Archive (ERA) SAC collection and have a publication link with a permanent digital object identifier (DOI). To get started, email your poster, slides, artwork or other presentation files to erahelp@ualberta.ca.
- NOTE: If your project is related to a research project with your supervisor and/or if there are other co-authors listed in your presentation/poster, please ensure that you have approval from all of these individuals prior to submitting it for publication in the ERA archive.
Questions about presenting at the Student Academic Conference? Connect with us at augsas@ualberta.ca or through the Student Service Portal.