Augustana Faculty Research Award


This award is given to recognize outstanding research by a full-time continuing faculty member, to publicize and promote discussion of an outstanding body of work to the Faculty and the wider community, and to encourage the pursuit of such excellence in fellow faculty members.


Tenure-stream faculty members and librarians, and full-time instructors with a research requirement in their contracts may apply for this award. Previous winners may not reapply, and unsuccessful nominations are encouraged to revise and resubmit. Current members of the Research Committee may not apply.


The deadline for nominations is March 15, with the award presented at the Spring Faculty Workshop. Nominations are submitted through the Department Chair.

Nomination Package

Nominations must be accompanied by evidence of the merits of the individual researcher, and should include:

  • a narrative that describes the applicant's research program. This narrative might detail the questions that drive the research and how the program has developed or changed over time. It might include a brief description of the researcher's five most significant contributions, and it might explain the broader impact of the work the applicant has done;
  • a curriculum vita;
  • names of potential peer reviewers who can help the committee contextualize and evaluate the research. Reviewers must be external to Augustana and cannot have worked closely with the nominee.


The adjudication criteria for the Augustana Faculty Research Award are set out below (not necessarily in order of importance) and nomination documents should address these criteria.


The nominee should have a record of exceptional contributions to research or creative work. Such achievement may be demonstrated by

  1. authorship or important participation in authorship of significant publications collectively demonstrating research ability and leadership;
  2. contributions to the creative and performing arts demonstrating creative ability and leadership.

Influence and Impact

The nominee should have a record of substantial impact on the course of scholarly research or creative work by others. This impact may be demonstrated by wide use of theories, concepts, or interpretations developed by the nominee in work by others. It may also be demonstrated by the reputation and quality of the venues in which the nominee disseminates his or her creative work or research. The nominee should also show a strong record of influence on our students by developing superior undergraduate researchers and placing them in graduate and professional programs.


The nominee should have attained national or international recognition as an authority in a major field of knowledge. Such recognition may be demonstrated by

  1. the holding of office in professional societies or serving on important committees;
  2. serving as editor of a scholarly journal;
  3. serving as official or invited speaker at national or international meetings;
  4. holding external research grants or fellowships.

Past Winners

Congratulations to past winners of the Augustana Faculty Research Award.

Brandon Alakas and Jane Yardley (2021-22)

Glynnis Hood (2020-21)

Alexander Carpenter (2019-20)

Keith Harder and Rebecca Purc-Stephenson (2018-19)

Bill Foster (2016-17)

Glen Hvenegaard (2015-16)

Philip Merklinger (2014-15)

Lars Hallström (2013-14)

Michael Mucz (2012-13)