Christina Rebus named 2024 Alumni Citation Award recipient

From Volunteer to Senator: connecting campus and community

Danielle Godin - 17 September 2024

Christina Rebus
Christina Rebus (Photo: Supplied)

Christina Rebus has spent a lifetime bringing people together, and it is her deep-rooted commitment to community and service that has earned her this year’s Alumni Citation Award.

A now retired speech pathologist, Rebus’s connection to Augustana began in the 1980s when she and her husband moved to Camrose. “I realized when I first moved that Augustana was a real gem,” she says. “Having a university in a small community, it was just so unusual and such a privilege.” She quickly got involved, attending public lectures, volunteering and even serving on a community scholarship committee. One of her children later attended Augustana, further deepening her ties to campus.

Her involvement only grew over the years. As a member of the University Senate from 2017-2023, Rebus became a connecting point between Augustana and the broader Camrose community. As an active volunteer with multiple community groups and initiatives, Rebus was invaluable to the senate in fostering collaboration. “During the time that I was a senator,” she says, “I was constantly asking, what is the connection? How can we connect Augustana with the rest of our community?”

Rebus has also been a long-time member of Augustana’s Alumni Student Support and Engagement Team (ASSET). One of her fondest memories as part of this volunteer group came when she helped to launch a Christmas stocking drive for students living in residence over the holidays. Many students, particularly international students, were far from home and isolated due to pandemic restrictions. “We felt that we needed to do something for those students to help them get through the season,” she says. Rebus, along with other community members, collected stockings filled with chocolates, games and small gifts.

“It was hugely successful,” she says, recalling the joy the initiative brought. “We had people dropping off stockings at my house and then the residence director would come to pick them up and deliver them to the students’ doors.” It brought not only a sense of warmth and care but also pointed to the tangible connection between students and the community. 

Even after completing her time in the senate, Rebus remains a dedicated presence on campus. Whether she’s serving soup at the Augustana Chaplaincy’s weekly suppers or offering mental health support through ASSET, Rebus is always there for students, providing comfort and conversation during stressful times. “I'm non-threatening, as soon as they see gray hair, they open up,” she laughs, noting the meaningful conversations she has with young people from around the world. Through her warmth, compassion and tireless service, Rebus has truly become a pillar of the community while consistently embodying the spirit of connection and care that defines the Augustana experience. 

The Alumni Citation Award is awarded to a non alumnus/a in recognition of significant contributions to the life of Augustana.