
What causes an outage?

Outages can happen for a variety of reasons and sometimes are caused by another emergency situation such as severe weather or fire.
Call the University Control Centre (780‑492‑5555).

What to Do in an Outage?

In a power outage

  1. Call the University Control Centre (780‑492‑5555).
  2. Stop work and turn off non-essential equipment (e.g., small appliances, computers, printers, etc.) and light switches to facilitate re-energizing of buildings.
  3. Keep doors closed to conserve heat.
  4. If safety is a concern, exit the building. Do NOT use elevators and assist others as required.

In a water outage

  1. Call the University Control Centre (780‑492‑5555).
  2. Conserve water.
  3. Do not drink nonpotable water (water that is not treated and from a known source safe for consumption).

Outages in Laboratories or Elevators

If you are in a laboratory at the time of an outage

Turn off heat sources, secure chemicals, and close fume hood sashes.

Keep refrigerator or freezer doors closed.

If you are trapped in an elevator

Use the elevator phone or your personal device to call the Control Centre (780‑492‑5555), Protective Services (780‑492‑5050), or the elevator company.

Wait for emergency responders. Do not attempt to open the doors or the roof panel.

Be prepared for an outage

Familiarize yourself with the evacuation route and closest designated muster/gathering point. You can find this information on the signs posted next to elevators and stairwells in university buildings.