Bomb Threat

What Is a Bomb Threat?

A bomb threat is a spoken or written threat to cause an explosion to harm to people or property. Bomb threats can be made by phone, note, email or in person and must be taken seriously.
When you are able, call 911 and/or Protective Services (780‑492‑5050).

If You Receive a Bomb Threat

Over the Phone

Try to stay calm and be polite

Ask questions, including:

  • Where is it?
  • When is it set to go off?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What does it look like?

Allow the caller to talk without interruption.

Make notes about the conversation, trying to remember what was said and any identifiable characteristics, such as background noise or the vocal characteristics of the caller.

Do not hang up the phone, even if the caller does.

If possible, use another device to call 911 and/or Protective Services (780‑492‑5050), or get a coworker to help.

Follow instructions provided by emergency responders.

Written or Emailed

Try to stay calm

Handle the note as little as possible.

Call 911 and then Protective Services (780‑492‑5050) and follow instructions.