Medical Emergency

What is a medical emergency?

A medical emergency is any injury, illness or medical event that requires immediate response to minimize the likelihood of death or permanent injury.
Call 911 and then Protective Services (780‑492‑5050) and follow instructions.

If You Witness a Medical Emergency

  1. Call 911 and then Protective Services (780‑492‑5050) and follow instructions.
  2. Do NOT move the injured person unless there is a risk of additional harm.
  3. Administer first aid if you are trained and able to do so safely.
  4. Send someone to meet emergency responders at the entrance to the building.
  5. Stay with the injured person and try to reassure them.
  6. Keep the injured person warm with a blanket or coat.
  7. Stay there until released by emergency responders.

Be Prepared in Case of medical emergency

Pay attention to the location of publicly accessible first aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) around the university.

If you are at risk of a medical emergency, wear a medical alert bracelet or another clear indicator of a medical condition.

Carry your medications in an easy-to-access spot, such as in your coat pocket.