Post Approval Monitoring Program

The University's post-approval monitoring program, in compliance with  Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) requirements, evaluates animal care and use practices and bridges any gaps with approved applications. It involves various stakeholders, including Principal Investigators, Animal Care and Use Committees, animal services units, and the University itself.

Key features of the program

PAM Coordinator

Manages the program and incorporates information from multiple sources, such as applications, facility health programs, site visits, incident reports, and welfare complaints.


Formal and informal audits, including facility tours, alternate animal housing inspections, unannounced walk-throughs, and protocol and SOP reviews. Higher-risk studies or those involving invasive, complex, or novel procedures are more likely to be audited.

Information Logging

Post-approval monitoring activities are logged in the ARISE system, with input from various stakeholders.

Collaborative Approach

The program fosters collaboration and collegial processes, sharing best practices, addressing problematic areas, and addressing novel issues in animal care and use.

Additional Information

The program also includes routine activities such as daily animal checks, veterinary rounds, and regular animal husbandry practices. Self-assessments, generated six months after ACUC approval, prompt researchers to ensure compliance and update protocols as needed.

Researchers are encouraged to report health or distress issues, equipment failures, or unexpected outcomes through the PAM Log in ARISE. These reports provide valuable insights for the ACUCs and may lead to suggestions for alternate practices. Amendments and annual reports are reviewed in the context of the research conducted over the past year.

The goal of the University's Post-Approval Monitoring Program is to ensure ongoing compliance with approved animal use protocols and promote the highest standards of animal care and welfare.