Quality Improvement Day
The Department of Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging hosts an annual Quality Improvement (QI) Day in partnership with Alberta Health Services (AHS) Clinical Audits to recognize the advancements made by healthcare and quality professionals in enhacing patient care.
We are proud to announce that QI Day 2025 will be on May 14, 2025 at Royal Alexandra Hospital from 9am-4pm!
qi day 2025
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Opens | February 3, 2025 |
General Registration for QI Day Open | March 3, 2025 |
Abstract Submission Closes | April 16, 2025 |
Oral & Poster Presenters Notified | April 23, 2025 |
Oral Presentation: PowerPoint Submission | April 30, 2025 |
General Registration for QI Day Closes | May 2, 2025 |
Program Release | May 7, 2025 |
QI Day 2025 | May 14, 2025 |

what is qi project?
A quality improvement (QI) project is a process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through a systematic process of care against explicit criteria set out at the beginning of the project, subsequent measuring of the initial findings and review of any changes as a result of the quality initiative. Where indicated, changes are implemented at an individual, team, or service level and further monitoring is used to confirm improvement in healthcare delivery. (Adapted: New Principles of Best Practice in Clinical Audit, Edited by Robin Burgess. Published by Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford, 2nd edition, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84619-221-0). A QI project can be performed in small community clinics or large tertiary centres. It may involve a local small team or multiple levels of management or disciplines. The common aim is to ensure that best practice is being followed so that the highest quality of patient care is delivered. Undertaking a QI project has the potential to improve patient care and provide the participants with the knowledge and skills to maintain a high quality of patient care throughout their careers. As health professionals it is our fundamental duty to deliver the highest standards of patient care to patients. We need to know if we are achieving these standards. We need to know if we are maintaining these standards.
What is a DI Clinical Audit?
In association with Alberta Health Services (AHS), the Diagnostic Imaging Quality Assurance Team is responsible for providing education and support regarding the clinical audit processes used provincially. These audits systematically evaluate processes across diverse areas to ensure adherence to established standards with the goal of improving patient care. Through regular reviews, clinical audits can help to identify best practices as well as areas for improvement. This enables staff to refine techniques and maintain high-quality services in Diagnostic Imaging.
ABSTRACT submission Guidelines
Please submit your abstract no later than Wednesday April 16, 2025 @11:59pm. Only one abstract per first author will be accepted. Please see below for abstract requirements.
- For more details regarding abstract requirements, please refer to Information Guide for QI Abstract Submission.
- Abstracts are limited to 300 words. This does not include authors, title, presenting authors, level of training, institutional affiliation, Figure/Image/Table or section titles.
The abstract submission must contain the following sections listed below (abstracts missing a section will not be reviewed):
- Author(s)
- Title of Submission
- Presenting Author's Healthcare Role
- Co-Author's Healthcare Role
- Institutional Affiliation
- One of each: Figure/Table/Image
- Background/Objective
- Methods
- Intervention/Process
- Results and Discussion (the discussion is expanded in the final oral presentation)
- Balancing Comments
- Photovoice Submission
- Conclusion
UOFA Abstract Submission - *Please use UAlberta email to access Google Form
general resources
- The Royal College of Radiologists- Database
- Canadian Association of Radiologists - Quality Improvement Project Information
- Academic Success Centre
- Research Impact Library Guide: includes information and resources relevant to measuring and increasing the impact of your research, data visualization tools, and more
QI Project Residents Log
Please note that only Residents, Directors and Coordinators from the Department of Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging department will have access to selected links
AHS STaff: Clinical Audit Resources
Please note some websites may require an AHS account to access
- AHS: Clinical Audit Resources via DI Insite
- eLearning course in Traccess under Optional Learning- "DI_AHS_Conducting a Clinical Audit in DI" now available to all DI Staff
Need help with your project? Contact us at Clinical Audit Resource at diqa.support@ahs.ca (1-888-852-3396)
wRiting a research abstract
- Plain Language Toolkit: includes information, checklists and examples to help you write your research in plain language, accessible to multi-disciplinary audiences
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): Comprehensive resource on academic writing, including guidance for abstracts, citations, and subject-specific writing
Poster design
- U of A Poster Templates
- U of A Copyright Office- Using Images
- #BetterPoster template and resources: Youtube channel with evidence-based design principles for effective research poster design
- Better Posters Blog: Includes design tips and poster critiques, as well as a gallery with diverse poster examples
- Creative Commons Image Search
- Pixabay: royalty-free images
- Open Clip Art Gallery: public domain vector images
- SUBPrint
Oral presentations & public speaking
- Ten simple rules for effective presentation slides (Naegle, 2021,PLos)
This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the work you have undertaken to improve the quality of the care we deliver. Everyone is eager to learn more of all the QI work being undertaken. Work can be submitted that is at any stage of the QI process. This can be a proposal, First cycle results, or a completed project. Presentation will be 6-8 minutes with some time for questions. We are happy to help you with your abstracts if required and provide any advice you may require for the presentations.
A quality improvement (QI) project is a process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through a systematic process of care against explicit criteria set out at the beginning of the project, subsequent meaning of the initial findings, and review of any changes as a result of the quality initiative. Where indicated, changes are implemented at an individual, team, or service level and further monitoring is used to confirm improvement in healthcare delivery. (Adapted: New Principles of Best Practice in Clinical Audit. Edited by Robins Burgess. Published by Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford, 2nd edition, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84619-211-0).
Dr. Sukhvinder Dhillon, MB ChB MRCP FRCR
Radiologist and Associate Professor, Department of Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging

QI Day Lead Support- Residents/ Fellows (Edmonton Zone)
Sukhvinder Dhillon, MB ChB MRCP FRCR
Radiologist and Associate Professor

QI Lead Support
Katie Bevans MRT (R)
Quality Assurance Manager

QI Day Lead Support- Nurses Edmonton Zone
Christina Wickens
Clinical Nurse Educator, Diagnostic Imaging

QI Lead Support – UAH & Suburban Rural Sites
Sheara Wilson MRT (R)
Quality Improvement Technologist II

QI Lead Support – Edmonton Zone
Matthew Rainville
Quality Assurance Specialist

QI Day Lead Support - Edmonton Zone
Heather Tye, MRT (R)
Education Coordinator, Diagnostic Imaging