The Department of Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging is proud to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our faculty and students from groundbreaking research to clinical excellence and leadership. We highlight the awards and recognitions of our talented faculty and students, reflecting their dedication to advancing medical imaging and improving patient care.

Awards 2024
Resident Awards- Research + Quality Improvement Day
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Tyler Pfanner
- Honorary Mention Best Resident Project: Lily Yuyue Zhou
- Best Undergraduate Presentation: Mitchell Wagner
- Best Graduate Student Presentation: Jiaqing Wang
- Best Fellows Research Project (Postdoc): Shrimanti Ghosh
- Best Poster Presentation: Samuel Pike
- Best Resident Quality Improvement Project: Brendan Kelly
- Second Place Quality Improvement Project: Erin Dockery
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Ashley Zinnac
- Sheara Wilson
- Medical Student Award: Best Research Project:
- Michael Xie
- Vincent Man
Resident Awards
- Best Resident Teacher Award: Dan Durham
- Professionalism Award (4th Year Resident): Ali Poonja
- Handover Excellence (PGY2 Resident): Brendan Kelly
- Collaborator Award (PGY3 Resident): Erin Dockery
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dan Durham
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Brendan Kelly
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: Bo Bao
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year (Tie):
- Dr. Matthew Li
- Dr. Hefin Jones
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Jonathan Abele
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Craig Ferguson
- Best Morning Rounds: Dr. Matthew Li
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Junior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Edward Weibe
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Senior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Mark Kneteman
- Best Teaching on a Junior Rotation: Neuroradiology
- Best Teaching on a Senior Rotation: Chest Radiology
- Best Non-Radiologic Teaching: Maria Cabral (Ultrasound Technologist)
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Sheldon Clark
- Best Fellow Teaching: Dr. Sam Pike
- Best Junior Associate Teaching: Dr. Monique Raubenheimer
- Best Peer Teacher: Dr. Dan Durham
- Best Royal College Preparation Teacher: Dr. Owen Stechishin
Awards 2023
Resident Awards- Research + Quality Improvement Day
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Brendan Kelly
- Honorary Mention: Best Resident Project: Dr. Alanna Supersad
- Best Fellows Research Project: Dr. Fatima Alves-Pereira
- Best Resident Quality Improvement Project: Dr. Bo Bao
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: None
- Nuclear Medicine: None
Resident Awards
- Best Resident Teacher Award: Dr. Harris Wang
- Professionalism Award:
- Dr. Alanna Supersad
- Dr. Bo Boa
- Handover Excellence: Dr. Robyn St. Croix
- Collaborator Award: Dr. Kamal Farhat
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Zhiyuan (Joe) Ou
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Michael Waine
- RSNA Roentgen Resident / Fellow Research Award:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Oryay Svystun
- Nuclear Medicine: Dr. Amaris Hui
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Gavin Low
- Nuclear Medicine: Teacher of the Year: Dr. Jonathan Abele
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Sandeep Naik
- Best Morning Rounds: Dr. Stephanie Locas
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Junior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Wilfred Dang
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Senior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Gavin Armstrong
- Best Teaching on a Junior Rotation: Musculoskeletal Radiology
- Best Teaching on a Senior Rotation: Neuroradiology
- Best Non-Radiologic Teaching (Tie):
- Maria Cabral (Ultrasound Educator)
- Matthew Neilson (CT Technologist)
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Sioban O’Neill
- Best Fellow Teaching: Dr. Fatima Alves-Pereira
- Best Junior Associate Teaching: Dr. Hefin Jones
- Best Peer Teacher: Dr. Zhiyuan (Joe) Ou
- Best Royal College Preparation Teacher: Dr. Gavin Low
Awards 2022
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Resident Audit Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist): Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: None
- Nuclear Medicine: None
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Baljot Chahal
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Zachary Stanton
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Cassidy Frayn
- Nuclear Medicine: Dr. Katrin Resch
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Karim Samji
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Alex Tamm
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Monique Raubenheimer
- Best Morning Rounds: Dr. Dean Rounds
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Junior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Omar Azmat
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Senior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Anu Kumar
- Best Teaching on a Junior Rotation (Tie):
- Nuclear Medicine
- Pediatric Radiology
- Best Teaching on a Senior Rotation: CT Chest
- Best Non-Radiologic Teaching: Dr. Craig Butler
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Siobhan O’Neill
- Best Fellow Teaching (Tie):
- Dr. Martha Ruiz
- Dr. Shriv Srigandan
- Best New Staff Teaching: Dr. Craig Ferguson
- Best Royal College Preparation Teacher: Dr. Teresa Liang
Awards 2021
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Resident Audit Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist): Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: None
- Nuclear Medicine: None
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Monique Raubenheimer
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Amaris Hui
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Bashiar Thejeel
- Nuclear Medicine: Dr. Bo Bao
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Teresa Liang
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Bob Warshawski
- Nuclear Medicine - Teaching Legacy: Dr. Bob Ban
- Retirement to the Hall of Fame:
- Dr. Michael Seidler
- Dr. Derek Emery
- Dr. Gavin Low
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Teresa Liang
- Best Rounds: Dr. Teresa Liang
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Junior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Teresa Liang
- Dr. Michael Seidler Award - Best Senior Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Omar Azmat
- Best Teaching on a Junior Rotation: PEDS 1
- Best Teaching on a Senior Rotation: Chest CT
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Adriene Thompson
- Best Fellow Teaching: Dr. Paul Benvenuto
Awards 2020
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Resident Audit Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist): Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Covid-19 (No Award this Year)
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Amir Pakdel
- Nuclear Medicine: None
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Craig Ferguson
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Joe Ou
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: Dr. Craig Ferguson
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year:
- Dr. Michael Seidler
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Chris Fung, Dr. Dean Jeffrey
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Eric Niven
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching:
- Dr. Suki Dhillon
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Gavin Low, Dr. Greg Raymond
- Best Rounds:
- Dr. Mark Buller
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Teresa Liang
- Best Junior Viewer-Side Teaching:
- Dr. Ed Weibe
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Chris Fung
- Best Senior Viewer-Side Teaching:
- Dr. Jim Barrie
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Teresa Liang
- Best Teaching on Junior Rotation: Body Imaging
- Best Teaching on a Senior Rotation: Lendrum Breast Imaging
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Adrienne Thompson
Awards 2019
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Orysya Svystun
- Best Overall Research Presentation: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Deepa Krishnaswamy
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Chris McIntosh
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Bashiar Thejeel
- Best Resident Audit Project: Dr. Monique Raubenheimer
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Jacqueline Siegnershmidt
- Runner Up: Katie Bevans
- Second Runner Up: Colby Cattoni
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Baljot (Bill) Chahal
- Nuclear Medicine: None
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Eric Lenza
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Deelan Patel
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: Dr. Mitchell Wilson
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Gavin Low
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ho Jen
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Chris Fung
- Best Rounds: Dr. Derek Emery
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Michael Seidler
- Best Teaching on a Junior Rotation: Musculoskeletal
- Best Teaching on Senior Rotation: Cardiac
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Michael Seidler
Awards 2018
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Andrew Walsh
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Dr. Eric Lenza
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Mahdieh Khodaei
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Duncan Lindsay
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Ashley Mummery
- Best Resident Audit Project:
- Anastasia Gasheva (Medical)
- Runner Up: Dr. Craig Ferguson
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Ann Crockett
- Michelle Schnitzler
- Runner Up: Megan Loewan
- Best Poster: Kim Voigt
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Emmanuel Mostofi
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Bihar Thejeel
- Nuclear Medicine: None
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Rohan Parab
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Monique Raubenheimer
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: Dr. Hector Aguilar
- Eric Lepp Award: (Not Awarded This Year)
- CAR Audit Award: Dr. Craig Ferguson
- SIR, CIRA, ARRS Presentations: (Not Awarded This Year)
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Gavin Low
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ho Jen
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Chris Fung
- Best Rounds: Dr. Derek Emery
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Michael Seidler
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Musculoskeletal
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Michael Seidler
Awards 2017
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Mitchell Wilson
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Dr. Alexander Tamm
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Dornoosh Zonoobi
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Thi Nguyen
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Stephanie Doucette-Preville
- Best Resident Audit Project:
- Dr. Kent Greeo
- Runner Up: Dr. Mitchell Wilson
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Sheara Wilson
- Runner Up: Dominic Collin-Doyle
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Andrew Whittle
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Andrew Walsh
- Nuclear Medicine: None
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Alexander Koculyn
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Andrew Walsh
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: Dr. Rohan Parab
- Eric Lepp Award:
- Dr. Jeff Wagner
- Dr. Alex Tamm
- CAR Audit Award: Dr. Mitchell Wilson
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Gavin Low
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Bernice Ling
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Richard Coulden
- Best Rounds: Dr. Chris Fung
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Michael Seidler
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Musculoskeletal
- Best On-Call Support - UAH: Dr. Chris Fung
- Best On-Call Support - RAH: Dr. Michael Seidler
Awards 2016
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Mark Buller
- Best Overall Research Presentation: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Sadegh Naserkhaki
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Brindley Cupido
- Best Resident Research Proposal: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Best Resident Audit Project: Dr. Chris McIntosh
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Christina Unverricht
- Runner Up: Sheara Wilson
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application: Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Mitchell Wilson
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Alexander Tamm
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Mitchell Wilson
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: Dr. Alexander Tamm
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Gavin Low
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Christopher Winter
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Gavin Low
- Best Rounds (Tie):
- Dr. Derek Emery
- Dr. Richard Coulden
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Ho Jen
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Breast Imaging at CCI
- Best On-Call Support - UAH: Dr. Bilal Ahmed
- Best On-Call Support - RAH: Dr. Michael Seidler
- Leaving a Legacy Award: Dr. Barbara Campbell
Awards 2015
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Dean Jeffery
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Dr. Katrin Resch
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Justin Grenier
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Matt Budak
- Best Resident Research Proposal: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Best Resident Audit Project:
- Dr. Guan Huang
- Runner Up: Dr. Stephane Doucette-Preville
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Christina Unverricht
- Runner Up: Dominic Collin-Doyle & Breanna Sebesten
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Monique Raubenheimer
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Rohan Parab
- Nuclear Medicine: Dr. Hector Aguilar
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Wade Koberstein
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Stephane Doucette-Preville
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: (Not Awarded This Year)
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Gavin Low
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ryan Hung
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Sandeep Naik
- Best Rounds: Dr. Derek Emery
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Ed Weibe
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Breast Imaging at Lendrum
- Best On-Call Support - UAH: Dr. Jordan Fingard
- Best On-Call Support - RAH: Dr. Gavin Armstrong
Awards 2014
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Bernice Lau
- Best Overall Research Presentation: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Myles Mabee
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Meaghan Pitts
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Mark Buller
- Best Resident Audit Project: Dr. Chris Fung
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Dominic Collin- Doyle
- Jenny Grewal
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Vimarsha Swami
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Diagnostic Radiology: Dr. Alexander Koculym
- Nuclear Medicine: Dr. Ashley Mummery
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Michael Stamm
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Margaret Sin
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: (Not Awarded This Year)
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Dean Bruce
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ho Jen
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching:
- Dr. Greg Raymond
- (Honorable Mention: Dr. Jim Barrie)
- Best Rounds:
- Dr. Derek Emery
- (Honorable Mention: Dr. Jim Barrie)
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Richard Coulden
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Musculoskeletal at UAH
- Best On-Call Support - UAH:
- Dr. Diana Soochan
- (Honorable Mention: Dr. Tom Ackerman)
- Best On-Call Support - RAH:
- Dr. Gavin Armstrong
- (Honorable Mention: Dr. Gerrit Van Der Merwe)
Awards 2013
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Kamaldeep Sahi
- Best Overall Research Presentation: Dr. Rob Thomas
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Hefin Jones
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Bernice Lau
- Best Resident Audit Project: Dr. Mark Buller
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist):
- Emer Sonnex
- Runner Up: Megan Loewen
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Lei Liu
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application: Dr. Alex Tamm
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. John Chung
- Margaret Sin Award (PGY2 Resident): Dr. Mark Buller
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: (Not Awarded This Year)
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Sandeep Naik
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Mike Hoskinson
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching:
- Dr. Sandeep Naik
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Trevor Kotylak
- Best Rounds:
- Dr. Dean Bruce
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Derek Emery
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. David Reich
- Best Teaching on a Rotation:
- Body Imaging - UAH
- Drs. Alexander, Ackerman, Cochraine, Birchall, Rawat, Patel, Fingard, Winters, Weibe, Low
- Best On-Call Support - UAH:
- Dr. Gavin Low
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Jordan Fingard
- Best On-Call Support - RAH:
- Dr. Gettir Van Der Merwe
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Kelvin Lee
Awards 2012
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Michael Stamm
- Best Resident Research Presentation: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Andrew Walsh
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Asim Raja
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Rhett Taylor
- Best Resident Audit Project: Dr. Bernice Lau
- Best Non-Resident Audit Project (Technologist): Kate Mracek
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Peter Chung
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Dr. Chris Fung
- Dr. Sumeer Mann
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Scott Gregorie
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: (Not Awarded This Year)
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year:
- Dr. Ed Wiebe
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Gavin Low and Dr. Trevor Kotylak
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Jon Abele
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching:
- Dr. Jim Barrie
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Gavin Armstrong
- Best Rounds:
- Dr. Derek Emery
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Dean Bruce
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching:
- Dr. Trevor Kotylak
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Sean Crowther and Dr. Jo Jen
- Best Teaching on a Rotation:
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Drs. Crowther, Dhillon, Lambert, Turner, Bruce, Jen, Rawat, McNally, Jaremko
- Honorable Mention: Neurology
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Best On-Call Support - UAH:
- Dr. Tom Ackerman
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Trevor Kotylak
- Best On-Call Support - RAH:
- Dr. Gerrit Van Der Merwe
- Honorable Mention: Dr. Maureen Hutson
Awards 2011
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Parveen Sunner
- Best Resident Research Presentation: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Sean Winters
- Best Resident Research Proposal: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Best Resident Audit Project: Dr. Kamaldeep Sahi
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Jimmy Wang
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application:
- Dr. Katherine Leung
- Dr. Michael Stamm
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Lee Brewerton
- RSNA Roentgen Resident/ Fellow Research Award: (Not Awarded This Year)
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Derek Emery
- Nuclear Medicine - Teacher of the Year: Dr. Conor Maguire
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. David Reich
- Best Rounds: Dr. Tim Alexander
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Dean Bruce
- Best Teaching on a Rotation:
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Drs, Crowther, Dhillon, Lambert, Turner, Bruce, Jen, Rawat, McNally
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Best On-Call Support - UAH: Dr. Gavin Low
- Best On-Call Support - RAH: Dr. Mareen Hutson
- Special Recognition for Teaching Excellence: Dr. Margaret Sin
Awards 2010
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Noam Millo
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Karen Seland
- Best Resident Research Proposal: Dr. Bradley Hnatiuk
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Peng Shao
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Kiat Tan
- Medical Student Award for Best Research Project: Juliet Emamaullee
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Anna Zavodni
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Suki Dhillon
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Greg Raymond
- Best Rounds: Dr. Iain Birchall
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Richard Coulden
- Best Teaching on a Rotation:
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Drs, Crowther, Dhillon, Lambert, Turner, Bruce, Jen, Rawat, McNally
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Best On-Call Support - UAH: Dr. Gavin Low
- Best On-Call Support - RAH: Dr. Margaret Sin
- Special Presentation for Outstanding Contribution: Gail Astle
Awards 2009
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Anna Zavodni
- Best Resident Research Presentation and Proposal:
- Dr. Anukul Panu
- Dr. Parveen Sunner
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Chan Zhang
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Gavin Armstrong
- Post-Doctoral Research Award: Dr. Ryan Hung
- Best Summer Student Project: Nawaaz Nathoo
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Darryn Receveur
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Suki Dhillon
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Derek Emery
- Best Rounds: Dr. Kelvin Lee
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. David Reich
- Best Teaching on a Rotation:
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Drs, Crowther, Dhillon, Lambert, Turner, Bruce, Jen, Rawat, Ong, Gracey, McNally
- Musculoskeletal - UAH
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Gavin Low
Awards 2008
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Anna Zavodni
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Vipal Vedd
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Best Research Proposal: Dr. Darryn Receveur
- Best Summer Student Project: Katherine Leung
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Jacob Jaremko
- RSNA Roentgen Resident / Fellow Research Award: Dr. Elizabeth Ngan
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ravi Bhargava
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Tim Alexander
- Best Rounds: Dr. Trevor Kotylak
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Dean Bruce
- Best Teaching on a Rotation:
- Neuro Imaging- UAH
- Drs. Ashforth, Bhargava, Emery, Kotylak, Naik, Yeo
- Neuro Imaging- UAH
- Best On-Call Support: (Not Awarded This Year)
Awards 2007
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Andrew Peppin
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Amar Suchak
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Rachel Zheng
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Siuchan Sookhoo
- Best Research Proposal: Dr. Ryan Hung
- Best Summer Student Project: Wesley Block
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application: Dr. Anna Zavodni
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Karim Ahamed
- RSNA Roentgen Resident / Fellow Research Award: Dr. Jacob Jaremko
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ed Wiebe
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Trevor Kotylak
- Best Rounds: Dr. Derek Emery
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Robert Lambert
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Ultrasound- RAH
- Best On-Call Support: Dr. Maureen Hutson
- Special Achievement in Resident Education: Dr. Iain Birchall
- Resident Endurance Award: Dr. Vipal Vedd
Awards 2006
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Jacob Jaremko
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Elizabeth Ngan
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Rui (Rachel) Zheng
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Sean Crowther
- Best Research Proposal: Dr. Andrew Peppin
- Best Summer Student Project: Sarah Johnson
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application: Dr. Elizabeth Ngan
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Modest Janicki
- RSNA Roentgen Resident / Fellow Research Award: Dr. Charlotte Yong-Hing
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Jim Barrie
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Kelvin Lee
- Best Rounds: Dr. Arlene Kanigan
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Ed Weibe
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Mammography - CCI
Awards 2005
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Charlotte Yong-Hing
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Jacob Jaremko
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Roy Park
- Best Research Proposal: Dr. Patrick Spiers
- Best Summer Student Project: Condrad Maciejewski
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application: Dr. Jacob Jaremko
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Harneil Sidhu
- RSNA Roentgen Resident / Fellow Research Award: Dr. Bernice Ling
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Kelvin Lee
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Sandeep Naik
- Best Rounds: Dr. Kelvin Lee
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Tim Alexander
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Chest - UAH
Awards 2004
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Modest Janicki
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Samantha Barker
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Talib Rajwani
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Martin Williams
- Best Research Proposal: (Not Awarded This Year)
- Introduction to Research Program (RSNA) Application: Dr. Charlotte Yong-Hing
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Aaron Hall
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Anu Kumar
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching: Dr. Anu Kumar
- Best Rounds: Dr. Tom Yeo
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Ed Wiebe
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Sturgeon GI Rotation
Awards 2003
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Aaron Hall
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Ryan Wada
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Talib Rajwani
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Alexandre Bastos
- Best Research Proposal: Dr. Stuart Cocquyt
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Robert MacEwan
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Conor Maguire
- Best Academic Half Day Teaching (Tie):
- Dr. Ravi Bhargava
- Dr. Conor Maguire
- Best Rounds:
- Dr. Anu Kumar
- Dr. Kelvin Lee
- Best Viewer-Side Teaching: Dr. Robert Lambert
- Best Teaching on a Rotation: Ultrasound- RAH
Awards 2002
Resident Awards
- Jack Miller Award for Best Resident Project: Dr. Jonathan Abele
- Best Resident Research Presentation: Dr. Aaron Hall
- Graduate Student Award for Best Research Project: Talib Rajwani
- Postgraduate Fellow Award for Best Research Project: Dr. Sukhvinder Dhillon
- Costopoulos Award for Outstanding Resident: Dr. Marie Smerdely
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year: Dr. Ed Weibe