Practice Affiliates and Research Affiliates

The Centre for Healthy Communities practice affiliates and research affiliates actively work or volunteer in a practice or research-based setting across many fields, bringing a diverse range of knowledge and experience to the Centre. Through collaboration with the Centre, practice affiliates and research affiliates work to help communities achieve their healthiest potential. 

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Stephen Allan
  • Recreation and parks
  • Community design
  • Active transportation
Michelle Anderson-Draper
  • Participatory evaluation
  • Engagement
  • Leadership
Kayla Atkey
  • Applied research
  • Evaluation
  • Policy
  • Community-based approaches
  • Methods
Marc Boychuk
  • Mental health promotion
  • Addiction and mental health services (particularly in rural and remote areas)
Krista Brower
  • Evaluation
  • Quality improvement
  • Health evaluation
  • Health research
Julie Elford
  • Human-centered design
  • Integrated system change
  • Built environment
  • Social determinants of health
  • How developed programs and policies impact economic and social inequities
Muna Farah
  • Public Health
  • Ethics
  • Houselessness
Advaita Ganguly
  • Health equity and sustainability
  • Infectious diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Transplants
Les Hagen
  • Tobacco control
  • Policy development
  • Advocacy
  • Government relations
  • Publicity strategies
Karah Harvey
  • Water reuse
  • Healthy built environment
  • Municipal planning and health
  • Contaminated sites and health
  • Water quality
Elin Hasper
  • Wellbeing promotion
  • Injury prevention
  • Collaborative partnerships
  • Cultivating community capacity
Teree Hokanson
  • System collaboration, integration, and change
  • Community-led action
  • Covid recovery using equity principles 
  • Community developed evaluation
Sue Holdsworth
  • Wellbeing
  • Connection
  • Co-designing and testing opportunities for action
Tammy Horne
  • Evaluation
  • Planning
  • Applied research
  • Adult learning and professional development
Ian Hosler
  • Active modes
  • Walkability
  • Wayfinding/Maps to support
  • Health policy related to built environment
Rebecca Jansen
  • Food security
  • Food policy
  • School and community food programs
  • Community education
Nandini Karunamuni
  • Subjective well-being
  • Biopsychosocial model
  • Mindfulness
  • First-person perspective
Birgitta Larsson
  • Evaluation
  • Community engagement
  • Capacity building
Robert Lipka
  • Urban planning
  • Universal design
  • Crime prevention through environmental design
  • Active transportation
Rabindra Mahabeer
  • Health equity
  • Intersectionality of social determinants of health
  • Public health practice
  • Health education
  • Innovative data use
Mariam Masud
  • Applying research
  • Community safety
  • Sustainability
  • Participatory community development
  • Outcomes, measures, and strategy
Alphonse Ndem Ahola
  • Settlement
  • Integration
  • Community development
Lara Pinchbeck
  • User experience research
  • Human factors assessment
  • Evaluation of accessibility
  • Designer of built environment
Patricia Tallon
  • Workplace health promotion
  • Evaluation
  • Applied research
  • Community-based approaches
Corinna Williams
  • Municipal wellness and communities
Jennifer Wilson
  • Physical activity and recreation
  • Behavior changes
  • Healthy schools/school community
  • Community development/design
  • Culture change
Sharlene Wolbeck Minke
  • Evaluation
  • Knowledge-to-action
  • Health promotion
  • Community engagement
  • Intersectoral collaboration

Centre Research Affiliates



Kathy Belton
  • Injury prevention (falls, concussions, collisions, poisoning)
Lucas Crawford
  • Relation of arts & literature to mental health
  • History of gender and mental health
  • Non-medical histories of suffering
  • Queer and Trans art and literature
  • Mad Studies
Alexa Ferdinands
  • Food environments
  • Youth
  • Qualitative research
  • Rural development
Mutasim Mubde
  • Economic/policy analysis
  • Social inequities
Ardelle Ries
  • Music and wellness
  • Community building through voice building