Selecting a Supervisor
Selecting a research supervisor can make a difference as to whether you flourish or not. Start by reading research articles published by the potential supervisor. Remember that research is often written in a very compact form, so it may be challenging to understand, but you do not need to understand every word and detail. Rather, get a feel for the approach the lab takes to research, the kinds of questions they ask, the way they design and carry out research, and try to imagine yourself contributing to some line of research. Do not worry about whether your supervisor or project is "Arts" or "Science". Below you will find information based on feedback from past honors students that may be useful in helping you make the best decision for yourself.
How to initiate contact with possible supervisors?
- Be sure to have scouted out the potential supervisor's research (including published articles) and to have something specific to say about the kind of project you would like to work on (topic, technique, etc.).
- Make initial contact (usually by email). Introduce yourself and briefly explain why you find the supervisor's research compelling and something you would like to contribute to.
- Prepare a "mini portfolio", including your resume (feel free to get help from Career Centre ), a copy of your transcript(s), and a sample of your writing (e.g., an essay you are proud of) to bring with you to you first meeting.
What should I ask possible supervisors?
- Are you taking any new students? If the supervisor is not willing to take any additional students (e.g., if they are on sabbatical), you will need to reach out to someone else.
- Do you have any special projects or experiments planned for next year? May I see your lab? Ask for and read any reprints that describe the basis for ongoing projects. Check out the space and ambiance. Talk to other students in the lab.
- How much time do you expect of me? Make sure to get an approximate time commitment, and consider that, to bring a project from start to finish (submit for publication) demands a lot of extra time at critical points in the project. That extra push is worthwhile, to see the project through and share your findings.
- Will I be able to schedule a specific time each week to discuss my project with you?
- What would my duties and responsibilities be?
- How soon can I get started working on a research project? The earlier you can start your thesis project, the better, as most projects require a lot of time from start (conception, design) to completion (submission to a research journal).
- What financial costs (if any) will I be responsible for?
- How will I be graded? Do not expect to automatically get top marks. Different supervisors use different methods of grading. It is important to know the criteria before you start.
- How accurately does the departmental information describe your research interests? For many professors, research interests change from year to year. Find out what your prospective supervisor is interested in.
- Will I participate in a reading group or lab meetings? These can be particularly enriching, and give you more practice explaining and presenting your research in talk formats.
- Are you currently working with other students? Graduate students can be excellent mentors.
- Is there a possibility that you will be leaving on sabbatical in the next two years? An absent professor may pose a problem to your own research plans and leave you without any guidance for a year.
- Are you open to new or alternative ways of working? To be asked if you are prepared with a research plan or design of your own.
What should I ask other students?
- What kind of work style can you expect? For example, some supervisors check over every detail, whereas others expect a check-in once a semester). There is no "right" style, but a good match between you and your supervisor is important. Some people find it motivating to know someone is continuously checking in, whereas other people find it more motivating to have more independence.
- Was this professor helpful with your research proposal and thesis? A research proposal and thesis are big projects. You should know ahead of time whether you will get the guidance you need.
- Is this professor easy to get along with? Bright people can disagree.
- What were the expectations for achieving a top mark?
- Were you able to do a project that reflected your own ideas?
- What amount of time and work were involved?
Some other things to keep in mind.
- Identify what about psychology you are most interested in. You will be thinking about it for two years, so you should be interested.
- Do not be discouraged if no professors are conducting research in your area of interest. If you plan to join the honors program, chances are your interests run broad as well as deep. Some of the most compelling research is not obvious, and you may only appreciate it once you find out about it. Have a look at the research that people in our department are doing, and try to appreciate why they are excited about the research they do. Something unexpected may click and lead you on an unexpected journey.
- Make sure your supervisor is going to take you seriously. In your interview, ask questions that show that you have thought about your goals and priorities.
- Once you begin, do not forget that lab work can be very time consuming. Schedule your time carefully.
- Talk with the honors advisors. Your psychology instructors may have good advice; tell them what about psychology you are interested in and ask for suggestions for potential supervisors.
- ASK QUESTIONS. Never be afraid to ask questions. You will never know until you ask.
- Avoid procrastination. Your supervisor should help you set reasonable milestones for your project.
- The mentorship relationship is, in many ways, like any other relationship. Open and honest communication is paramount. Keep your supervisor up to date on your progress, as well as your struggles and doubts. Remember that supervisors are regular people, with strengths and limitations. Although your supervisor wants you to flourish, they cannot see how things are from your perspective. When in doubt, talk it out.