Department of Psychology Graduate Research Award

The Department presents an annual research award for the best publication by a graduate student during the year under evaluation (May 1 to April 30 to align with the annual May evaluation meeting).

Value: $500 (assuming that this is possible within the departmental budget), plus fame, obviously.

Eligibility: Any refereed, first-authored paper by a graduate student, accepted in final form during the evaluation year. Neuroscience students whose primary supervisor is in Psychology are eligible for the award.

Limits: Students who are co-supervised by Psychology faculty and a faculty member from another department are eligible only if Psychology is the student's home department. Each student may submit only one paper for the award in a given year. No paper can be submitted more than once. Students who have graduated during the year under evaluation are eligible. Dated, formal, final acceptance must accompany the submission.

Adjudication: The award will be adjudicated by the Graduate Scholarship Committee of the Department of Psychology, with the addition of one senior graduate student who is not applying in the current year, and who is nominated by the GPA. Students will submit the paper for consideration along with a 1 page maximum statement outlining the importance and likely impact of the paper, and describing their contribution to multi-authored papers.