Graduate Application FAQ

Do I need a psychology degree to apply?

Incoming graduate students are expected to have a broad background in psychology: an undergraduate degree in psychology or an extensive sampling of psychology courses. In rare cases, students may be admitted for a qualifying year to obtain a stronger background in psychology before beginning graduate work.

Do I need an honours degree to apply?

An honours degree is valuable because it provides research experience but it is not required. There are other ways in which useful research experience can be obtained (e.g., volunteering in a research laboratory).

What can I do if I don't meet the minimal GPA requirements?

Graduate training involves intensive academic training, and students who have not been highly successful in the latter years of their undergraduate program may not be able to complete a graduate degree. In special cases, the Admissions Committee will consider extenuating circumstances and/or offsetting qualifications.

What scholarships can I apply for?

All eligible students are considered and nominated for scholarships at time of application.

Do I need to write the GRE Psychology exam?

The GRE Psychology subject exam is not required. The three general exams (verbal, quantitative and analytical writing) are required.

What codes do I use to get GRE scores sent to the department?

The GRE recipient code for the University of Alberta is 0963. The Psychology Department code is 2016.

Does the Department have Clinical or Counseling Psychology programs?


Can I enroll as a part-time student?

No. Our graduate program is full-time only for the duration of the degree.

Do you have distance education?

No. Psychology graduate students are expected to be on campus working towards their degree full-time.

Who can I contact if I still have questions?

If you need assistance or further information, please contact:

Graduate Advisor
Department of Psychology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2E9
Phone: 780-492-0969
Fax: 780-492-1768