Aubrey Breckon Neurology Resident Award in Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood

The Aubrey Breckon Award is awarded to a pediatric neurology resident physician who has demonstrated excellence in pediatric neurology research. Preference is given to a resident physician with a demonstrated interest in conducting pediatric research in Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC) and/or participating in conferences, further training, or workshops related to this research area.  


2023-2024: Emanuel Mostofi
2022-2023: Lauren Cole


Cory Tymchuk and Aubrey's Hope for a Cure Foundation



Application/Nomination Procedure

Applications are submitted via Google Form and then assessed by a selection committee consisting of members from Pediatric Neurology. You can fill out the application form using the link below. 

2024/2025 Application Form

For more information regarding this award, please contact Autumn Moronchuk at