Undergraduate Medical Education Community Pediatrics Awards

Growing class sizes and other learner groups competing for clinical experiences make it increasingly difficult to establish quality sustainable placements for medical students. The purpose of these awards is to recognize contributions of community pediatric preceptors in their role as clinical teachers to medical students during mandatory pediatric rotations, to encourage ongoing participation of these valuable educators.

Annual Excellence in Teaching Award in Community Pediatrics for Undergraduate Medical Education

This award is given annually to two community general pediatric teaching faculty members.

Elizabeth DeBruyne and Eileen Estrabillo
Elizabeth DeBruyne, left, and Eileen Estrabillo receive the 2019 Annual Excellence in Teaching Award in Community Pediatrics.

Award Recipients

2023-2024: Gordana Djordjevic & Eileen Estrabillo
2020-2021: Jagdeep Brar & Kan Wong
2019-2020: Faria Ajamian & Isabelle Chapados
2018-2019: Elizabeth DeBruyne & Eileen Estrabillo
2017-2018: Breanne Frolich & Isabelle Chapados
2016-2017: Heather Leonard & Waldemar Szymanski
2015-2016: Indra Dhunnoo & Heather Leonard
2014-2015: Indra Dhunnoo & Anna Malanowska
2013-2014: Indra Dhunnoo & Anna Malanowska
2012-2013: Isabelle Chapados & Ben Malinowski
2011-2012: Faria Ajamian & Pat Pierse

Annual Best Teacher Award in Community Pediatrics for Undergraduate Medical Education

This award is given annually to a community general pediatric teaching faculty member within the Department of Pediatrics.

Heather Leonard, left, receives the 2019 Best Teacher Award in Community Pediatrics from Susan Gilmour. 

Award Recipients

2023-2024: Isabelle Chapados
2020-2021: Gordana Djordjevic
2019-2020: Kan Wong
2018-2019: Heather Leonard
2017-2018: Eileen Estrabillo
2016-2017: Indra Dhunnoo
2015-2016: Isabelle Chapados
2014-2015: Faria Ajamian
2013-2014: Walter Szymanski
2012-2013: Indra Dhunnoo
2011-2012: Walter Szymanski