Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Med Star Award for Graduate Students


The objective of this award is to recognize the excellence of research done by graduate students (MSc, PhD, and MD/PhD) in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) at the University of Alberta.


  • $1,000 per award.
  • The recipient's research is profiled on the FoMD's website.
  • The award is adjudicated three times per year with deadlines in March, July, and November.


  • The applicant must be first author on an original research article published in a peer-reviewed journal. Systematic reviews are eligible.
  • The applicant must be a graduate student (MSc, PhD, or MD/PhD) registered in a graduate program within the FoMD (or must have completed a graduate program in FoMD), and research must be completed while the applicant is registered as a graduate student.
  • The research article must have been published in its final form during the past 12 months.
  • The research must have been completed under the supervision of a faculty member in the FoMD.
  • The article must describe significant, high-quality research.
  • An article may only be submitted once.
  • The article must be in the final format and have a PubMed ID. Papers accepted and available through PubMed in manuscript form are not acceptable.
  • In the case of co-first authors where both authors are graduate students in FoMD, the prize will be divided equally between the applicants.
  • In the case of co-first authors where the authors are a graduate student and a postdoctoral/clinical fellow, applicants must choose between the graduate student or fellow competition stream (the same publication cannot be considered for both). If successful, the prize will be divided equally between the applicants.
  • Applicants may submit more than one article as long as all conditions described above are met for each article.
  • Recipients are eligible to receive only one award within 12 months.
  • If fewer than three applications are received, the competition will not go ahead, and interested applicants will need to reapply at the next cycle, so long as they remain eligible.

The following are not eligible:

  • Review articles - except for systematic reviews
  • Non peer-reviewed articles
  • Submitted manuscripts
  • Manuscripts in press

Submission Process

Deadline: Complete applications must be submitted no later than Friday, November 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

Applicants must submit their complete application electronically as ONE PDF FILE to fmdgrd@ualberta.ca. A complete application includes:

  • A completed application form.
  • A copy of the published article. The article must be in the final published format.

Application Form

Award Adjudication

Applications are considered by an awards evaluation committee, chaired by the Associate Dean Research, Graduate Programs in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

Eligibility and evaluation of the application will be focused on:

  • The significance, scope, quality, and originality of the paper.
  • The contribution of the trainee to the publication.
  • The application will be used to help the reviewers understand and appreciate the significance and originality of the paper.

If you require further information, please contact:

Graduate Programs Advisor
Office of Research
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
2-13 Heritage Medical Research Centre
Tel: 780-492-9721 Email: fmdgrd@ualberta.ca