Learning Environment
The Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy (BScRT) in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta is a four-year, competency-based program that combines classroom learning, laboratory experiences, simulated scenarios and real clinical experiences to teach the concepts and theories behind radiation therapy, patient care and professional practice.
Year 1 of the Radiation Therapy program is the pre-professional year.
Students wishing to apply to the Radiation Therapy program must first complete one year of pre-professional course work. The selection process is competitive, and applicants will be ranked primarily on academic achievement in the prerequisite courses. Get details.
Where the learning happens:
All radiation therapy courses aim to create an active and engaging classroom environment for students. Curriculum has been designed to allow for the incorporation of social media and various medical software systems to support the achievement of student learning outcomes. Classrooms are fully equipped to support hybrid teaching as well as lecture capturing capabilities.
Labs are conducted through a multitude of different techniques, including an advanced computer lab that offers students access to medical software systems and the VERT simulator, which brings theoretical course concepts to life.

VERT is a virtual simulator, similar to a flight simulator, which allows students to practice skills in a highly realistic environment. Students experience a life-size virtual representation of a treatment machine and its physical hand controls.This simulation experience allows students to visualize and interact with real-world equipment in a safe space where they can build their skills before entering clinical environments.
Students also learn and practice hands-on skills in a state-of-the-art simulation training suite located within the Cross Cancer Institute (Edmonton). This suite features a mock, full-size Varian True Beam machine - a linear accelerator that does not deliver radiation therapy treatment but does have full imaging capabilities.
This training suite provides students with an opportunity for active learning within a comfortable, safe and controlled learning environment. They have the opportunity to enhance their performance by applying key skills, concepts and behaviours to case-based patient scenarios, practicing on an anatomical mannequin and with standardized patients.
The training suite offers the latest in linear accelerator technology used in radiation therapy treatment for oncology patients. Additionally, this suite is possibly the only radiation therapy training suite in the world that has Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) capabilities, using video capture for both testing and training purposes.