Mistreatment + Professionalism

The MD Program is committed to creating a safe work and learning environment. There is no place for mistreatment in the MD Program, including bullying, harassment, discrimination or any other behaviour that contributes to an unsafe learning environment.
If you experience mistreatment, several offices and groups offer support and advocacy. We have a “no wrong door” approach to reports of mistreatment. This means that no matter who you approach for support, your concern will be addressed promptly and in a way that protects your safety and dignity.
You may choose to report mistreatment through any of the following options:
- Complete a course, teacher or preceptor evaluation
- Contact the clerkship coordinator directly
- Contact FoMD Well
- Contact the MD Program
- Contact the Office of Advocacy and Wellbeing
- Fill out the Professionalism/Mistreatment Reporting form
- Fill out the Racism Concern form
The No Wrong Door Approach to Mistreatment is illustrated in this comic strip, created by Nicole Pernal and the Learning Design Studio.