Frameworks and Guiding Principles

The mandate of the Wâpanachakos Indigenous Health Program (WIHP) is to support the growth in the number of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people in medicine and dentistry programs in order to address the gap in the underrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in health professions in Alberta and across Canada. This is accomplished through our collaborative and holistic program that provides wrap-around supports to qualified Indigenous applicants as they enter into, and graduate successfully from, the U of A's Health Sciences programs.This mandate is further supported by the Faculty's special status admissions in the Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Dental Hygiene (DH), Radiation Therapy (RT) and Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) programs. The faculty has a national proactive recruitment policy. The following 4 documents act as the Frameworks and Guiding Principles for the WIHP program.

Joint Commitment to Action

Strategic Priorities

TRC sec. 18 - 24