Medical Humanitarian Response of MSF during Emerging and Re-emerging Disease Outbreaks:

Global Health Experience from the Field (Hybrid Event)

via Zoom
with Getahun W. Lemma, MD, MScIH
This presentation has been postponed since Dr. Lemma was called back to the field to address the mpox outbreak.  We hope to have him present later in the year.

This presentation will address the existing challenges of the outbreak response of MSF/Doctors Without Borders in different parts of the world ranging from limited access to vaccinations to the associated public health implications on the MSF staff and the people they serve in the field. The main disease outbreaks of interest will be the recent Mpox outbreak in Africa, the controversial risk of polio in Palestine and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.  This is a hybrid event -- join over Zoom or join us for Dr. Lemma's in person presentation in ECHA 4-036.  Refreshments will be provided.


Dr. Getahun W. Lemma, MD, MScIH is a medical consultant with Doctors Without Borders/MSF-Spain. He received his medical degree from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia in 2016 and an MSc in International Health from Heidelberg University in 2019.   He is an experienced and passionate medical doctor with a proven track record in comprehensive care, disease prevention programs and global health research of major tropical diseases and NCDs.  He has more than eight years of experience in clinical practice, public health, academia and humanitarian work with various public institutions and international NGOs/partners in Ethiopia, Germany and Central Asia where he worked on various Drug Resistant TB and HIV projects. His skill set includes managing/supervising medical team activities within the context of international humanitarian/development work in resource-limited settings. He has been working with MSF since 2020 is currently stationed with MSF-Spain as a Medical Advisor for International SH Care and Safety.