Eric Wasylenko


Eric Wasylenko, MD, BSc, CCFP (PC), MHSc (bioethics) is a clinical ethicist and a retired palliative care physician. He has an extensive portfolio of past leadership and advisory roles for local, provincial and national health care agencies. He has been deeply involved in policy and program creation and review within the health system. He has a wide-ranging resume of speaking and teaching engagements for local, provincial, national and international audiences. He continues to be involved in advocacy, education and advisory roles regarding end of life care, ethics, and physician resource planning. Eric co-created Alberta’s novel Goals of Care Designation mechanism, adopted throughout the provincial health system. He co-led the development of a community-owned non-profit, free-standing rural hospice in Southern Alberta. Eric served on the teams that developed the current Canadian Medical Association’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism and the current Alberta Pharmacist’s Code of Ethics.  He was recognized by the Canadian Medical Association with the Dr. William Marsden Award in Medical Ethics in 2014.

Selected Publications

Wasylenko, E. (2023). Harmonizing conscience claims and patient access to assisted death. Healthcare Management Forum. May, 36(3), 176-179.

Earp, M. A., Fassbender, K., King, S., Douglas, M., Biondo, P., Brisebois, A., Davison, S. N., Sia, W., Wasylenko, E., Esau, L., & Simon, J. (2022). Association between Goals of Care Deisgnation orders and health care resource use among seriously ill older adults in acute care: a multicentre prospective cohort study. CMAJ Open.10(4).

Sinnarajah, A., Feldstain, A., & Wasylenko, E. (2022). Responding to requests for hastened death in patients living with advanced neurologic disease. Handbook of Neurology. Vol 190 (3rd series). (invited Book Chapter).

Wasylenko, E. (2018). Reporting and Monitoring of Medical Assistance in Dying. Vulnerable Persons Standard Website.  (Contributed Article - Invited)

Wasylenko, E. (2018). A Brief Introduction to Ethics in Health Technology Assessment.  Alberta Health Services HTA Unit Newsletter. (Contributed Article – Invited)

Wasylenko, E. (2017). Becoming dead: Two solitudes? Healthcare Management Forum30(5):262-265.

Wasylenko, E. (2017). Let’s recognize that community and the health care system are both important at end-of-life.  Alberta Doctor’s Digest 2017; 42(2).

Simon, J.E., Ghosh, S., Heyland, D., Cooke, T., Davison, S., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Wasylenko, E., Howlett, J., & Fassbender, K. Evidence of increasing public participation in advance care planning: a comparison of polls in Alberta between 2007 and 2013. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2016;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2015-000919

Letters:  Simon J., Wasylenko, E., & Barwich D. (2014). Beyond resuscitate and do-not-resuscitate. CMAJ. 186(18), 1398.

Wasylenko, E. (2013). Jugglers, tightrope walkers, and ringmasters: Priority setting, allocation, and reducing moral burden. Healthcare Management Forum. 26, 77-81.

Simon, J. E., Wasylenko, E., Enns, B., & Berg, B. (2011). Palliative care is not the same as end of life care. (letter) BMJ  342:d2735

Wasylenko, E & Levy, D.  (2007, January). End of Life: Frameworks to Guide Medication Withdrawal, Drug Use in the Elderly Quarterly (Alberta Medical Association and Alberta College of Pharmacists). 53.