Stephen Freedman

Dr. Stephen Freedman has been a member of the Sections of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Gastroenterology at the Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary since 2012. He completed his residency at The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto) in 2000 after completing medical school at McGill University. He then went to Chicago to complete a pediatric emergency medicine fellowship at Children's Memorial Hospital while simultaneously obtaining a Master's of Science in Clinical Investigation at Northwestern University.

His research focus has been on applying clinical research to the treatment of children with gastroenteritis and includes the use of antiemetics, probiotics, and rehydration. He is the principal investigator on several probiotic multicentre clinical trials with funding support from both CIHR and the NIH. Dr. Freedman leads an Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Team Collaborative Research Innovation Opportunity (CRIO) called APPETITE (Alberta Provincial Pediatric EnTeric Infection TEam). He is also conducting work in Pakistan with funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates and Thrasher Research Foundations. Together, his work in developing and developed nations is focused on improving outcomes in children with gastroenteritis.