
Collect the information you need

Optical Mark Readers and online surveys can be used for data entry from an unlimited variety of customized forms, e.g., census surveys, election ballots and program/conference evaluations.

What options are available for questionnaires?

There are four levels at which forms can be generated for specific requirements. These forms should not be acquired, developed or modified without coordinating your activities with TSQS if you intend to have us process (read) the sheets for you.

  1. Questionnaires for the collection of students' ratings of instructors and courses may be generated using the IDQ system to print the desired questions in a prescribed format on forms that have been designed for that purpose.
  2. Forms may be printed locally with a fair amount of flexibility in formats (layouts). These forms are restricted to 8.5” by 11” sheets and are normally printed in red ink. (Requests for other colours must not be done without specific arrangements with TSQS.) This partial-customization option is suggested for situations involving the need for a special single-sheet form in quantities of 2,000, to as many as 20,000 sheets. Development of the master copy and the scanning program will take between 3 to 6 hours (at $60 per hour), depending on the specific requirements.
  3. Totally customized forms allowing variations in form size and colors as well as other special needs are accommodated by working with an outside vendor who specializes in producing OMR forms.
  4. Small quantities of forms may be generated with a relaxation of the above constraints. Inquiries about this option should be sent to

Midterm Course and Instruction Feedback Questionnaires

Midterm Course and Instruction Feedback questionnaires are an option available for instructors seeking feedback from students on course materials, teaching methods, assignments, and specific suggestions about the course. The information collected can assist instructors in making adjustments to courses while the term is still active. Results can be viewed only by the instructor and will not be shared with anyone else.

Questionnaires are administered electronically. A short questionnaire is recommended with no more than 15 questions including a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The questionnaire should be accessible to students for at least 3 days. The feedback should be administered shortly before the midpoint of the course.

Instructors can select one of the follow instruments, or create their own midterm feedback evaluations:

One Question Feedback
Students perform a metacognitive reflection on their learning in response to the question “Please share any feedback on how the course is going so far?”

A quick way to solicit feedback from students is by using the Start-Stop-Continue instrument. The questions focus students’ attention to reflect on learning and how the course can be improved. The instrument includes the following questions:

  • What you (the instructor) should start doing
  • What you (the instructor) should stop doing
  • What you (the instructor) should continue doing
Three Open Questions Feedback

Students are asked the following questions:

  • Which aspects of the course do you like the best?
  • Which aspects of the course do you like the least?
  • How can the instructor improve the teaching of this course?
Suggested Questions

(Rating scale: Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree(SA))

  1. The instructor is helpful in answering questions.
  2. Class time is used effectively.
  3. The classroom is a comfortable learning environment.
  4. The instructor presents the material in an interesting and helpful manner.
  5. The instructor gives clear explanations.
  6. The instructor stresses important points in lectures or discussions.
  7. Which aspects of the course do you like the best? (open response)
  8. Which aspects of the course do you like the least? (open response)
  9. How can the instructor improve the teaching of this course? (open response)
  10. Additional comments for the instructor? (open response)

Submission Process
Submit your feedback request.

You will receive an email announcement a day before the feedback questionnaire is made available to students.

Reporting Process
The numerical results and comments will become available as soon as the evaluation closes and you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the data.

If you have any questions please contact TSQS at or call 780-492-2741.

Course Evaluation (Courseval)

Our online evaluation system includes capabilities to implement an array of evaluations with different assessment focus, as evaluation of teaching should be multifaceted. Such assessments can include one or more of the following: input from administrators, peers, self, undergraduate and graduate students, and alumni. (GFC 09 JUN 1995) (GFC 24 NOV 1997)

Evaluations and survey instruments can be setup using different assessment focus including:

  • Faculty Assess Students
  • Faculty Assess Peers
  • Faculty Assess Themselves
  • Students Assess Themselves

Faculty, students, and peer groups can be set by importing course enrolment, faculty lists or a participant file. The data collected can be easily exported to different file formats.

For more information contact TSQS at or call 780-492-2741.


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