Instructor Designed Questionnaire (IDQ) System

Gather the right results

The Instructor Designed Questionnaire (IDQ) system assists to reduce irrelevant items often associated with standardized questionnaires. It allows for the inclusion of items relevant to the individual instructor, university, faculty and department, and allows for both normative and individualized feedback on the quality of instruction.

What are features of the IDQ System?

Block-ids for Common or Core Questions
Block-ids are four character codes associated with specific subsets of questions. When selecting questions for a given questionnaire, it is possible to include one or more of these subsets of items by simply specifying the appropriate block-id. This feature simplifies the task of requesting a particular set of questions that have been identified for repeated usage over a number of occasions. Departments or individuals wishing to make use of this feature should contact TSQS who will assist with defining and implementing the desired block-id.

Block-ids for Administrative Reports
In addition to the Instructor Report which is intended for the use of the individual instructor, three types of reports may be generated for administrative purposes:

  1. Administrative Copies of the Instructor Report
  2. Aggregate Report
  3. Administrator's Summary

Team Teaching Format
A special format is available in the IDQ system to support the evaluation of courses which involve multiple instructors. The questionnaire is arranged so that the questions that apply to the overall course appear first. These are followed by questions that apply to the instructor. Instructor-related questions are repeated for each instructor involved in the course. This format:

  • Avoids burdening students by asking the same course-related questions multiple times
  • Draws attention to the idea that the number of questions asked about a particular instructor should decrease as the number of instructors increases

When these questionnaires are processed, the data is separated such that a separate report is generated for each of the instructors appearing on the questionnaire. Results for the common, course-related questions are included on each instructors' report.

How can I obtain questionnaires for my class?

To generate your questionnaires, you must use the Online Requisition System. A separate requisition form must be completed for each different questionnaire. If several instructors wish to use the same set of questions, or if the same questionnaire is to be administered to several different classes, they can be included in the same requisition.

How can I gain access to the online requisition system?

Access to the Online Requisition system is restricted to designated individuals who are identified as regular IDQ contacts. There is typically one IDQ contact in each department. To gain access to this system, please contact

Current users can access the system by visiting the online request website.

What does the IDQ report consist of?

A one-page report is generated for each class from which students' ratings have been collected. The Instructor Report contains the text of each of the rating questions appearing on the questionnaire. Following the text of each question, the numbers of students responding to the rating scale Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA) are reported. These frequencies are followed by the median of the responses.

How can I search the IDQ catalog?

To begin your search, visit the IDQ catalog.

How can I identify my class-id?

To determine the class-id for your particular course, use the class-id search.

How can I identify my block-id?

Block-ids are associated with a common set of questions in an IDQ requisition, and are used to simplify requests. To determine the block-id for your particular set of questions, use the block-id search.




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