Engineering Health, Safety, + Environment Management System (EHSMS)

Faculty of Engineering provides students and researches with hands on experience across all departments. Given the nature of work work in engineering, and the responsibility of the public well being, all engineers consider safety and risk management paramount. Thus the faculty provides all staff, students,researchers, and workers with standardized health and safety program referred to as the Engineering Health, and Safety Management System (EHSMS). The section of the website aims to provide basic health and safety information for front line supervisors, staff, and students. The faculty safety advisor can guide you through the entire process.

This program (EHS MS) is categorized into 10 fundamental elements:
1. Program Management & Leadership

This element of the Engineering Health and Safety Management System is geared towards leadership involvement in safety.

It is the primary responsibility of each laboratory to adopt the EHS Management System into a program that is applicable to their work site, depending on the research activities in that space. Safety leadership is paramount in achieving the highest level of results while saving lives. All laboratory supervisors must utilize the program, and show safety leadership in there research area. Direct involvement from the Principle Investigators is mandatory. A designated supervisor can be assigned to over see and report to the PI on health and safety needs.

2. Hazard Management

This element of the Health and Safety Management System looks into managing hazards in your work space. 

Look at Hazard Management for details on Hazard Assessment, PPE, Safe Work Procedure, and Risk Assessment. 

3. Training & Competency

Appropriate training must be provided to all new staff and students before they are given access to any equipment or space. The training must be provided by the supervisor or there designated trainer who is competent to providing adequate training.

Consult the Training and Competency page for information on options for training, 

4. Inspection & Maintenance

At the University of Alberta, safety is our culture. To assess the state of your work space/site inspections are helpful. You will come across these types of inspections and audits.

Planned Inspection (Self-Inspection) Completed by laboratory staff
Faculty of Engineering Inspection Depending on laboratory compliance
Environment, Health, and Safety Audits Annual audits (by EHS)


Look at the Inspection & Maintenance page for more information on the types of inspections and audits. 

5. Incident Management

How to report an incident:

1 - For serious incidents

The Government of Alberta requires that all "serious incidents" be reported immediately to Alberta Labour. Serious incidents include the following:

  • Injury or incident that results in the death of a worker
  • Injury or incident that results in worker admitted to hospital (as an inpatient)
  • Unplanned or uncontrolled explosion, fire, or flood that causes (or had the potential to cause) a serious injury
  • Collapse or failure of any part of a building or structure that is necessary for its structural integrity
  • Collapse of a hoist, crane, or derrick
To report a serious incident:
  • Call the Control Centre: 780-492-5555.
  • Report your incident, provide your phone number, and request a call back from the EHS on-call person
  • Complete and submit an incident report.

2 - For all other incidents

  • Complete and submit an incident report.
  • Your supervisor will then be notified to complete the second part of the form.
  • Injured and required professional medical attention?
  • Follow up with your supervisor to make sure all reporting is complete.

Why report an incident?

Incident reporting allows us to observe trends and find opportunities to implement safe work practices at the university. Read about some of the lessons we've learned from past incidents

Report an Incident

Emergency in progress?

Call 911!

Then call University of Alberta Protective Services:


6. Emergency Preparedness

This element of the Engineering Health and Safety program will help you understand the basic requirements to manage the safety of your students and staff in case an emergency was to occur.

Go to the Emergency Preparedness page to get detailed information and resources on the Working Alone Procedure/Plan, Emergency Shut-off/EMO, Unit Action Plan, and Spill Kits. 

7. Contractor Management

If you plan to hire a private contractor that is not on the approved contractor or vendor listing from Supply Management Services or Facilities and Operations, you need to contact the Faculty of Engineer's facilities and safety team. All contractors will be pre-qualified by the faculty facilities and safety team before a PO is generated for any work in faculty or department space.

To request a contractor pre-qualification please contact the Faculty Safety Advisor and provide the following details for the contractor you plan to hire

  • A copy of the company's health and safety manual
  • COR certificate
  • WCB Clearance Letter
  • WCB Premium Rate Statement

Got to the Contractor Management page for additional resources. 

8. Environmental Management

This element of the Engineering Health and Safety Program reflects on protecting the environment.

It is the primary responsibility of all individuals working in a Faculty of Engineering space to conduct research in an environmentally responsible way. For researchers this means tracking environmental releases and properly disposing of contaminated waste. 

Go to the Environmental Management page for further details and resources on Waste Management. 

9. Program Evaluation

The laboratories should review their internal health and safety program on a regular basis. This includes:

  • How the records are filled and updated
  • How hazards are managed
  • What training is provided
  • How hazardous materials are disposed
  • Emergency protocols
  • And more...
The Faculty of Engineering will review its health and safety program every three years, while monitoring the latest incident rates and trends.
10. Program Promotion

Promoting a safe work environment and a strong safety culture is the responsibility of individual. Principle Investigators and supervisors must try and promote a strong safety culture, by showing strong safety leadership. 

The department, through the safety committee, must try and promote this program and evaluate the need to focus on specific elements based on compliance data and incident stats.

Resources and Tools



Engineering Safety Office

UofA Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

UofA Field Research Office (FRO)

Alberta Labour Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)


Hazard Assessment Tool (HAW App)

UofA Planned (self) Inspection

UofA REMO/EHS Database Log-In

UofA Online Safety Trainings

UofA Working alone policies & procedures

UofA Incident Report (EHS)


Workplace Incident

Scent Free Zone

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