How to Apply
To apply for PDEL, complete the Google Form. You must use your ualberta email to complete the form. You will be able to save and edit your application before submitting it. A completed application includes:
- applicant information
- activity details
- budget
- activity benefit question
PDEL covers 100% of the activity cost for activities costing between $7 and $250. You will be notified of the funding decision approximately two weeks after you submit your application.
Some questions in the application form are used for grant administration purposes only. These sections are clearly identified in the application form.
For assistance with your application, general comments, or inquiries, contact:
Madeleine Jensen-Fontaine
Phone: 780-492-4313
Need assistance with your application?
Applicants can request personalized feedback on their PDEL application by contacting Personalized feedback is subject to staffing availability and capacity.
Activity Details
Provide information about the purpose and value of the activity, including:
- name of activity,
- host organization,
- location of activity,
- website for the activity, and itinerary/schedule if available,
- description of the activity in detail, explaining the purpose, scope, outcomes and timelines (up to 50 words),
- whether the activity is online, in person or hybrid, and
- activity dates and travel dates (if applicable).
Your application must include a detailed list and description of the costs associated with your activity. All expenses must be reasonable and show due regard for economy.
How to complete the budget
- Research possible expenses associated with the activity. Expenses must be reasonable and reflect prudence, good judgement and due regard for economy.
- List all eligible expenses associated with the activity.
- Ensure expenses for which you are requesting funding are in alignment with PDEL’s eligible expenses and University policy. Travel Reimbursement Procedure and Schedule of Allowable Travel Expenses .
- List amounts in Canadian dollars.
- Provide a breakdown of calculations used and provide a written explanation in the budget. You may be asked to provide additional documentation to support your expenses.
Eligible Expenses
- Expenses must be in alignment with University policy . I f you are unsure if an expense would be eligible, please reach out to and we can provide additional information specific to your situation.
Ineligible Expenses
- Expenses should be related to the activity and necessary for your participation. If an expense is not necessary for your participation in the activity, it should not be included in your budget.
Ineligible activities include, but are not limited to: personal travel before or after your activity, not related to the activity; additional airfare fees to change flight times, travel date and/or destinations for personal reasons; additional fees to upgrade hotel rooms, etc.
Activity Benefit Question
In your application, you will answer the question “Explain how this activity is going to help you learn more about your leadership and/or professional interests. (100 words max)”