Green and Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development Grant

The Green and Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development Grant is currently accepting applications for activities being offered in-person and remotely.

Funding may be restricted if the University of Alberta issues a Travel Directive. This means that funding for travel-related activities may be rescinded in advance of the activity if travel restrictions change.

Please note all travellers must comply with the Government of Canada requirements.

Apply Now

The Green and Gold Grant has limited funding. Not all eligible applications are funded.


For assistance with your application, general comments, or inquiries, contact:

Grant Administrators
Phone: 780-492-4313

Donor Support

Help create life-changing experiences by giving to the Green and Gold Grant. This grant helps students participate in opportunities beyond the classroom to gain experiences and skills to become world-class leaders.

Donate Now

Application Deadlines

Application Deadline

August 1

November 1

February 1

May 1

Date of Activity

October - December

January - March

April - June

July - September

Students will be notified of the decision to approve or deny their application approximately eight weeks after the relevant deadline.

Please review the following factors before applying:

  • Applications for each deadline will open one month before the deadline.
  • Students must apply for the deadline in which their activity falls. Late applications will be ineligible. If an activity spans multiple deadlines, the application must be submitted for the deadline in which the activity starts. For example: If your activity begins November 10 and goes until June you must apply for the deadline in which November falls which would be the August 1 deadline.
  • Students can apply for the Green and Gold Grant even if they don’t know if they have been accepted to the activity. i.e. You will find out about your acceptance to the activity a month after the Green and Gold Grant application deadline.
  • Students can apply for the Green and Gold Grant to support their activities even when the activity hasn't yet released all of the specifics. i.e. You know the date, location, and time of the conference but the itinerary including specific sessions is not available at the time of application.
  • Students can apply for multiple activities for the same Green and Gold Grant deadline. If more than one of their applications is approved, they would be required to select which activity they are accepting funding for and decline the other(s).
  • The University of Alberta has mandated that all airfare must be booked through Maritime Travel. You can book your flights in their system using your own credit card. Any flights purchased outside of Maritime Travel are non-reimbursable.
  • The Green and Gold Grant does not reimburse donations.

Learn more about how to apply

Program Overview

The purpose of the Green and Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development Grant (Green and Gold Grant) is to help U of A students become leaders in their profession following graduation. The Green and Gold Grant funds up to 80% of the total cost of an activity, to a maximum of $1,500.


This grant provides funding to participate in high impact professional development activities that will help students:

  • Expand and develop leadership and employability skills.
  • Explore future career opportunities.
  • Learn about professional practices in different cultures and contexts.
  • Establish networks vital to professional practice and advancement.
  • Reflect critically on their career interests and aspirations.
Employability skills examples

Employability skills – skills directly related to obtaining and maintaining a job – include:

  • Career management skills (i.e., skills required to navigate the world of work)
  • Discipline-specific skills (i.e., skills specific to certain occupations or fields)
  • Generic skills (i.e., skills that are transferable to different situations, such as using technology, written and verbal communication, teamwork, problem-solving, self-management skills)
  • Self-management skills (e.g. values, abilities, interests, time management, goal setting, perseverance)


Who can apply

All current full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students with at least satisfactory academic standing. Students must be registered at the University of Alberta at the time of application and when they participate in the proposed activity.

Students are eligible to receive only one grant during each degree program. Group applications are not accepted.

Students unsure of their eligibility can contact us. We are happy to discuss your particular circumstance and determine if you are eligible for the grant.


You are registered as a U of A student and will be registered as a U of A student again in the fall
Eligible for summer funding
Example: Registered in winter 2025 term, not taking any classes over spring/summer, will be registered in fall 2025 term

You are registered as a U of A student completing your degree requirements at the end of winter term (April) and you will be returning as a U of A student for a different degree program in the fall
Eligible for summer funding (This will count as receiving Green and Gold funding during your new degree program)
Example: Registered in winter 2025 term and completing degree requirements, not taking any classes over spring/summer, will be registered in fall 2025 term in a new U of A program.

You are registered as a U of A student completing your degree program requirements at the end of the current term and will not be returning to the U of A.
Eligible until the end of your final study term:

  • Fall - Eligible until you complete your term in December
  • Winter - Eligible until you complete your term in April

You are not eligible while you await convocation.
Example: You finish your degree requirements in April but do not convocate until November. You are not eligible after April.

You are a registered U of A student enrolling in Spring/Summer courses. At the end of the Spring/Summer term(s) your degree program requirements will be completed. You will not be returning to the U of A.
Eligible until the end of your final study term:

  • Spring - Eligible until you complete your term in June
  • Summer - Eligible until you complete your term in August

You are not eligible while you await convocation.
i.e. you finish your degree requirements in August but do not convocate until November. You are not eligible after August.

You are registered as a U of A international student completing your degree program requirements at the end of the fall term and will not be returning to the U of A
Eligible. International students pay MNIFs (mandatory non-instructional fees) in September for the entire year and are therefore eligible until the end of April
i.e. You are an international student completing your degree requirements in fall term and your activity is in March.

Not eligible

You are a registered U of A student and are taking a term(s) off.
You would not be eligible during term(s) off. You must be a registered student at the time you apply for the Green and Gold Grant, as well as when the activity begins.

Adjudication criteria

Applications are assessed by the Green and Gold Grant Adjudication Committee. Applications are considered based on their individual merit and quality. Criteria central to the review process are:

  • Purpose and value of the activity and explanation of leadership and professional development
  • Applicant's role in the activity (i.e. attendee, participant, volunteer) and level of involvement
  • Quality of the application package (i.e. level of detail, clear and concise writing, persuasive and logical explanations)
  • Commitment and fiscal responsibility (i.e. planning completed in advance, effort to minimize overall costs)
Eligible activities

Types of activities eligible for funding include, but are not restricted to:

  • Leadership conferences and seminars
  • Skill-building workshops
  • Meetings and events hosted by professional associations
  • Experiential learning activities
Ineligible activities

Certain activities are not eligible for the Green and Gold Grant. These include, but are not restricted to:

  • Academic conferences where the primary purpose for attending is to present research
  • Activities where an applicant is applying for funding to run the activity (e.g. speaker fees, - catering for participants)
  • Research-related travel (e.g. field research, travel to participate in a collaborative research project or to study with a scholar elsewhere)
  • Activities for which applicants will also receive academic credit (e.g. practicum, field school, study abroad) or continuing education credit
  • Activities which lead to accreditation or licensure required for a profession. This includes prep courses and courses required for accreditation hours. e.g. CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant), PMP (Project Management Professional), LSAT (Law School Admission Test), MCAT (Medical College Admission Test), GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), etc. This list is not exhaustive.
  • Work experience placements, whether paid or unpaid (e.g. internship, practicum)
  • Any activity where the applicant will be paid for their participation
Sample application
This is a sample portion of an application. The intention is to provide applicants with an example of how to write a complete activity description and a detailed budget for their activity. This is not a real conference.

Download Sample Application
Adjudication committee
  • Two full-time academic staff members, one from a professional program Faculty and one from a general program Faculty, appointed by the Dean of Students (or designate)
  • Four undergraduate students, two designated by the Students' Union and two undergraduate students at large appointed by the Dean of Students (or designate)
  • Four graduate students, two designated by the Graduate Students' Association and two graduate students at large appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (or designate)
  • Two student affairs professionals appointed by the Dean of Students (or designate)
Adjudication process

Applications with eligible activities will be adjudicated. The adjudication committee evaluates each application based solely on the information provided. This includes the responses to the short answer questions and the budget. Applicants are not contacted to clarify their application.

The Green and Gold Grant uses an anonymized adjudication process. The sections of the application that collect identifying information are used for grant administration purposes. The application indicates which sections are shared with the adjudication committee.


The Green and Gold Grant is a reimbursement program. Reimbursements for successful applications will not be issued until the activity is completed and the final report is received. After the reimbursement appointment, it can take upwards of 4 weeks to receive the funds.




Financial , Career & Professional Development
