Ucraina Post-Sovietica
Thematic priorities and directions of activities
- Ukrainian-Russian borderland within a historical retrospective
- Collective identities, historical legacy, and politics of memory
- Socio-cultural dimension of the post-Communist transformation
- Civil society, multiculturalism
- Urban and regional studies
- Monitoring Ukrainian reforms with the emphasis on Eastern and Southern regions
- Facilitating the projects of academic exchange and cooperation between Canadian and Ukrainian universities
During the last years, CUSP initiated and organized several conferences, workshops, round tables, and public lectures to develop this particular direction:
- A workshop "Daily Life of Soviet Workers in the 1920s-30s. Case Studies from Kharkiv and Zaporizhia ( in collaboration with the Karazin Kharkiv National University and the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy," October 2, 2016, Kharkiv); URL: https://goo.gl/EJZPoG;
- A workshop Balance of Transformation: Ukrainian Historiography 25 Years since the Dissolution of the USSR (in collaboration with the Karazin Kharkiv National University, December 8, 2016, Kharkiv); URL: https://goo.gl/M7AvyY;
- A symposium dedicated to the first anniversary of the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine (9‒11 March 2015);
- The conference "Negotiating Borders: Comparing the Experience of Canada, Europe, and Ukraine" (15-16 October 2014);
- A round table on "Ukraine, Russia, and the West: On the Brink of War" (5 March 2014);
- The conference "Ukraine within Europe: Opportunities and Obstacles" (3-4 October 2013), held in collaboration with Grant MacEwan University;
- A forum "Trafficking of Women in Ukraine: Governmental and Nongovernmental Responses" (22 March 2013).
The program also supported several publications:
- Pracja, vysnazhennja ta uspih: promyslovi monomista Donbasu [Labor, Exhaustion, and Success. Company Towns in the Donbas] / Ed. by Volodymyr Kulikov and Iryna Sklokina. Lviv, 2018. [in Ukrainian, forthcoming]
- Kuzio, Taras: Ukraine: Democratisation, Corruption and the New Russian Imperialism (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2015)
- Lubavskiy, Roman, Povsiakdenne zhyttia robitnykiv Kharkova v 1920-ti - na pochatku 1930-h rokiv [Daily Life of Workers in Kharkiv in 1920-30s] (Kharkiv: Rarytety Ukrai'ny, 2016, 226 p., in Ukrainian)
- Istoriia Slobids'koi' Ukraїny: hrestomatiіa [The History of Sloboda Ukraine. A Reader]. Compiled and edited by D. M. Chornyj (Kharkiv: Oleksandr Savchuk, 2016, 244 p., in Ukrainian);
- Slobozhanshhyna v memuarah, shchodennykah i podorozhnikh zapyskakh z ХVІІІ st. do siohodennia: bibliohr. pokazhchyk [Sloboda Ukraine in Memoirs, Diaries, and Travelogues from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Days: A Bibliography]. Compiled by: N. V. Aksionova, O. V. Diakova, Ju. Ju. Poliakova, T. O. Chuguy ( Kharkiv: Kharkiv University Press, 2016, 172 p., in Ukrainian.)