
1. Web Resources for Staff Wellness

2. PFSP provides resources and/or referral to therapy in the following areas:
  • Intimate partner relationship issues

The Wellbeing of Physician Relationships

Medical Marriage - Tips for making yours better

The well being of medical relationships

  • Family Therapy
  • Assistance with dependant children suffering from learning or behavioural difficulties
  • Career, educational and workplace concerns that are impacting our health
  • Dealing with adverse events

Transcend adversity

Disclosing harm from health care delivery

Canadian Medical Protective Agency (CMPA) homepage

  • Stress, anxiety, other mental health issues and psychiatric disorders (e.g. depression, manic-depression, PTSD, ADHD, etc)
  • Substance Use disorder and behavioural addictions

PFSP - What is Addiction (video)

PFSP - Seeking Help with Addiction (video)

Am I alcohol dependant? Try this self-assessment tool

Understanding substance use disorder in physicians (multi-media blog post)

  • Concern for a colleague
  • And more....

3. Suicide Prevention
  • 24 hr City of Edmonton Distress line: 780-482-4357
4. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer identified People and Mental Health
5. Well Doc Alberta
6. MD financial management
8. "Managing Compassion Fatigue is an Organizational Responsibility" by Dr. Sharron Spicer
9. Conferences
10. Second victim
11. Organizational Leaders in Physician Wellness