Dr Robert James Kelly Global Health Memorial Award
This Award memorializes Dr Robert ("Rob") Kelly, a member of this department who died tragically at an early age. His family and friends wish to acknowledge the dedication that Rob brought to his career, patients, students and co-workers by creating an annual award in his name that epitomizes what we all believe he represented: an opportunity to 'give back' by supporting the meaningful participation in a Global Health project.
The Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Alberta and its Faculty believe that we are fortunate to live in Alberta, and contribute to the wellbeing and health of our patients on a day to day basis. We also believe in giving back.
Interested University of Alberta medical students, anesthesia residents, anesthesia technicians and OR/PACU nurses at University of Alberta Hospital and Leduc Community Hospital are asked to submit to the committee a description of why they feel committed to global health and some details as to what they would expect to derive from the experience. The narrative should be no more than 250 words and will require the applicant to have approached a mission director for permission to accompany, should they receive the award.
Eligibility: University of Alberta medical students, anesthesia residents, anesthesia technicians, OR /PACU nurses at the U of A Hospital and Leduc Community Hospital.
Award Amount: $3,000
Expectation: Award recipient presents a round on their experience and how
the Global Health initiative that they participated in truly 'gives back’.
Submission Address:
Attn: Dr. Richard Bergstrom
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3
or email richard.bergstrom@gmail.com
Submission Entry Deadline: March 31, 2025