ADI Diabetes Cancer Pilot Project

LOI application deadline is now CLOSED.

The ADI invites Letters of Intent (LOI) from its members to apply for newly derived pilot project funding aimed at studying links between diabetes and cancer. The awards are for $25,000 each and are to be utilized in a 12 month period with the possibility of a 6 month extension if necessary.

The correlation between diabetes and many forms of cancer has been established for some time, but the underlying mechanisms for this are poorly understood. Factors like genetics, physiology, lifestyle, therapies themselves or even health delivery may be common to the two diseases. The purpose of this funding competition is to support novel thinking and studies aimed at helping establish these links.

The 2016 ADI Diabetes Cancer Pilot Project grant competition requires the submission of a LOI. Implementation of the LOI will help ensure that the proposed pilot projects meet the eligibility criteria before the full proposals enter the peer review process. This will reduce the number of full applications at the peer review stage and increase the likelihood of success for projects who do get invited for full application. Projects invited to the full application stage will be selected using the metrics described below under "Guidelines".

Principal applicants for this pilot project competition must be ADI Members (limit of one application per member), but any Alberta-based researcher that is a full-time faculty appointee may be a co-applicant.

  • Funding request up to $25,000
  • See guidelines and instructions below for submitting LOI
  • LOI DUE Monday, May 16


Research should be highly novel and hypothesis-driven in nature, aimed at identifying risk factors that are common to both diabetes and cancer. Results of these projects should have the potential to foster new thinking about the link between the two diseases and produce preliminary data which can be used to generate publications and presentations as well as pursue additional external funding or support for translational research. Pilot research may be at the cellular, animal model or human subject (intervention or non-intervention) level.

In summary, research projects will be:

  • Novel - not an extension of previous or ongoing research
  • Hypothesis-driven
  • Unassociated with other funding
  • Aimed at generating preliminary results that have potential for high impact and further development towards clinical or public health application

LOI Format

If you are interested in applying for this competition, please register and submit a 1-2 page LOI using 12 pt Times New Roman font (1.5 line spacing). In the letter, please include and address the following:

  • Name of applicant and if applicable co-applicant(s)
  • Department / Faculty / Institution
  • Project title
  • Brief description of the proposal, objectives/hypotheses and methodology, expenditures
  • Potential next steps following completion of this project

Letter of Intent submission deadline Monday, May 16, 2016