Master of Science (MSc)

The MSc course-based degree is a 2 year course-based degree designed for professionals who have been with government, industry, or private practice and who wish to return for upgrading and specialization. Students are required to complete 8 graduate level courses, AFNS 601 Seminar course, 8 hours of Ethics, Professional Development and a capping project or work experience project (such as AFNS 900, AFNS 598 or WKEXP 986 according to your choice of program).

The MSc thesis-based degree is a 2 year thesis-based degree designed for students wishing to specialize and develop skills in research and scientific communication. It prepares students either for further advanced training or for mid-management positions in government or industry. Students are required to complete 3 graduate level courses,AFNS 601 Seminar course, 8 hours of Ethics, Professional Development and research, write and defend a thesis.

The Department offers world-class research divisions to compliment graduate studies in primary production and rangeland management, plant and animal sciences, food and agri-food products, and human nutrition and wellness.


Animal Science

Cows in a field

This research spans a number of disciplines, including animal nutrition and metabolism, sustainable management, physiology, molecular genetics, genomics, reproductive efficiency and prenatal development, ethology, and carcass and meat quality. Research degrees address issues of importance to the beef, dairy, swine, and poultry industries such as food safety, food quality, production efficiency and sustainability, and environmental health.

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Food Science and Bioresource Technology

Grains in bowls on table

This research takes an integrated approach to value-added utilization of agricultural commodities, targeting both food and industrial products. Research degrees exist in food microbiology, food processing, food engineering and bioresource technology. Research addresses consumer demand for food safety and quality, develops food processing technologies, creates innovative food and industrial products, and develops valuable bioproducts from agricultural commodities and waste.

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Human Nutrition

vegetables on a table with a salad

This research explores the links between nutrition and human health. Research degrees span a number of disciplines including nutrition and metabolism, physiology, immunology, epidemiology, nutritional assessment, community nutrition, and public health. Research activities are strategically focused on health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer, infant and child health and community nutrition, with the ultimate goal of preventing diseases and enhancing the quality of human life.

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Plant Biosystems

Hay bails in a field

This research crosses many disciplines in the areas of plant physiology, biochemistry, plant breeding, pest biology and management, weed management, plant pathology, and rangeland management. Research degrees cover both traditional and new crops including canola, triticale, barley, wheat, peas, potato, forage crops and saskatoon berries and address issues of crop improvement and production efficiency, sustainable agriculture and environmental health, and development of new plant-derived products for health and industrial applications.

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