ALES Faculty Strategic Plan

Aerial view of U of A North Campus during the summer

© University of Alberta

The last Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences strategic plan, titled Solving Global Problems Together, spanned 2017-2021. 

The faculty will engage in consultation winter through the summer of 2025 to draft a new consultation plan available in the fall. Students, alumni, faculty and community and industry partners will all be called upon to have a say on that next big picture. Watch for more information and invitations to participate in a way that’s relevant to you.

Strategic planning workshops | March 17-18

Make your mark on the future of the faculty by participating in stakeholder-specific strategic plan workshop. Registration is required to participate and interested individuals should attend only one session according to their role in ALES. 

  • Two workshops were offered for operating and/or trust funded, full-time and part-time NASA support staff (including casual, casual full-time students, auxiliary, continuing), administrative professional officers (APO), management and professional staff (MAPS), trust research academic staff, postdoctoral fellows, term academic teaching staff/sessionals and research staff/associates.
  • Two workshops were offered for faculty members, faculty service officers, full-time academic teaching staff (ATS) and post-phased ATS.
  • Two workshops were offered for undergraduate and graduate students in ALES programs (including part-time or full-time).

This process is led by Cascadia Partners, a Vancouver-based consulting firm, who are facilitating these in-person sessions and subsequent consultation activities, including online surveys for those who cannot attend in-person workshops and sessions for external audiences. More details will be shared as they are available.