GCE British-Patterned Curriculum

The U of A welcomes many students each year from high schools around the world that follow a British-patterned curriculum.

General Requirement

Applicants completing the General Certificate of Education (GCE) need to present three approved A-level courses.

Applicants completing GCE A-Levels

Applicants will be evaluated for Conditional Admission on presentation of the following:

  • external A/S level results must be presented if taken
  • school-reported first-year A-level results may be presented if you did not take externally graded A/S level final exams
  • course registrations for final year of A-level

To obtain Final Admission and clear conditions:

  • Applicants with a Conditional Admission offer will need to arrange for their school counsellor or administrator to send predicted grades issued on or after 1 March directly to the U of A. If the predicted grades meet the competitive requirement, Final Admission will be offered.
  • Applicants who were not offered Conditional Admission will be evaluated for Final Admission with predicted grades issued on or after 1 March, sent directly to the U of A.
  • Download the predicted grades form.
  • Download the digital predicted grades form for when counsellors do not have access to the school stamp.

Applicants who have already completed GCE A-Levels

Applicants will be evaluated for Final Admission based on the submission of final A-level certificates.

GCE Course Requirements for Admission

View the undergraduate program subject requirements to determine the required admission subjects at A-level for your program.

Click here for the list of approved A-level subjects »

English Language Proficiency

Applicants studying GCE (British) curriculum will meet the U of A’s English language requirement with a grade of B or higher in (I)GCSE English Language or Literature. (I)GCSE English Second Language does not meet the U of A’s ELP requirement. For applicants unable to present (I)GCSE English Language or Literature, click here for alternative ways to meet the ELP requirement.

Transfer Credit

A-level students may be eligible for transfer credit to certain faculties and programs. For more information click here »

Am I Competitive?

Each undergraduate program has its own competitive admissions average, and this average varies from year to year.

Your competitiveness will be determined after you have applied and submitted the required documentation.

For any further questions regarding GCE Curriculum please email welcome@ualberta.ca