Visiting Students

Students enrolled at another university in a full-time undergraduate program may choose to attend the University of Alberta for one term or one academic year as a Visiting Student. The purpose of the visiting student status is to complete coursework that will be transferred back to the student's home institution for degree completion there.

This is not an exchange program, as visiting students will be responsible for payment of tuition fees directly to the University of Alberta.

Admission requirements for Visiting Students are as follows:

  • Student is in a degree program at home institution
  • Student has completed a minimum of 24 credits (one academic year) at home institution
  • Student has a letter of permission from home institution
  • Student is in good standing at home institution
  • Student meets the Language Requirements for the University of Alberta.
  • Student provides outstanding documents (transcripts) outlined on their Application Checklist in Launchpad.

Further details on admission requirements for visiting students can be found in the University Calendar (look under specific degree programs for visiting student requirements).

See also Visiting and Short-Term Programs »

If you need assistance with your application, and for information specific to your degree program, reach out to the Student Service Centre.